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Amityville: Did it really happen? Joe Sunday, February 15, 2009


Greetings Brother. I just finished watching the movie "The Amityville Horror." I know that Hollywood takes stories and changes them for dramatic effect, but did something supernatural really happen there? Thanks. Joe

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Joe:

My associate director knows more about this subject. He answered this question in a previous Q&A back in 2007:

I personally believe that Amityville was a true diabolical infestation (I will explain why later). However, I also believe that much controversy was born when the involved parties tried to turn a profit on the story. Once the motivation became money, all sorts of half-truths and fabrications were born to make the story more saleable. Author Jay Anson used much poetic license when he wrote the book. The controversy and debate over whether or not this was a real case arose from the deviations from fact in the book (and later, the subsequent movies) and continues to this day.

To further complicate the matter, there was a good deal of conflict between the two groups who originally investigated the home; namely, Ed and Lorraine Warren and Stephan Kaplan. The Warren's explain it this way on their website: "As far as the Warrens can tell, he [Mr. Kaplan] hated them because Mr. Lutz, the owner of the Amityville Horror home called Mr. Kaplan prior to calling the Warrens, and asked him to investigate the situation. Mr. Kaplan came to the home to “investigate” with six witches and the Channel 7 news team, and Mr. Lutz threw Mr. Kaplan off the property---and then called the Warrens. This started a 20 year vendetta of Mr. Kaplan against the Warrens."

As you can probably imagine, under these circumstances, ANY true diabolical infestation would, in all likelihood, quickly be labeled a hoax. I strongly believe that this is exactly what happened with Amityville.

"Did the Catholic Church ever investigate that case officially?" No, they did not. The investigation of the home was carried out by Ed and Lorraine Warren. However, there was a priest who was alleged to have come out to bless the house. A reference on the Internet claims that Newsday interviewed the priest, Father Ralph J. Pecoraro (now deceased), and that he allegedly stated that when he went to bless the house he heard something say, “Get out!”

The movie was just another Hollywood movie, but was there an actual demonic infestation? I believe there was?

First, let me state that this is my subjective personal opinion based on observations and my own knowledge of demonic infestations.

  • Both George and Kathy, who sadly are both now deceased, went to their graves insisting that they experienced a demonic infestation. In fact, George Lutz has gone on record denying any dishonesty on his part. In a televised interview in October of 2000 with the History Channel, Mr. Lutz stated, "I have never said it was a hoax and I never will, because it is not a hoax. That doesn't mean that everything that was ever said about it was true, but it is certainly not a hoax. I wish it was. It's not." Both have taken lie detector tests, both passed.

  • I would certainly not want to die with that on my conscience, nor can I imagine anyone else being able to go before their creator without setting the record straight on so serious a claim. Perhaps I am being a bit naive, but knowing that George and Kathy were Christians, I cannot imagine them perpetuating such a story with no thought of or concern for the eternal consequences of such a deception.

  • George and Kathy did not get rich off of Amityville, although many others did. They, and all members of their family, have consistently maintained their story - for the last 30 years - despite this fact. My question is Why wouldn't they just come out and admit it was all a hoax and put a stop to others making money at their expense?

  • I have listened to many hours of taped interviews of both George and Kathy. Having dealt for many years now with people who have paranormal and demonic experiences, I think I have gained a good deal of knowledge about how to 'sniff out' fabrications. My experience tells me that George and Kathy genuinely experienced what they claimed; in my opinion, their sincerity is unquestionable. Hearing them in an interview, one cannot help but notice the calm, non sensational matter-of-fact demeanor that they both put forth. Listening to them reminds me of listening to war veterans relating stories that happened on a battlefield a long time ago; a recounting of memories and facts of something that can never be forgotten.

  • The types of activity that were described by Kathy and George (and here I am referring to the interviews, not the book or the movie) were 100% consistent with a case of serious diabolical infestation. Black shadow figures manifesting in the home, the appearance of flies (specifically in the dead of winter), foul smells, being touched by invisible hands, hearing doors slam, having a demonic entity 'attaching' itself to the daughter, Missy, under the guise of an imaginary friend, hearing footsteps and experiencing levitations of persons.

Joe Meineke

Perhaps we will never know for sure if the demonic infestation was real, but the Lutz's seem credible to me. It is just unfortunate that the whole case was so contaminated by the Warrens, Kaplan, and Anson book, the media mess, and greed on the part of those who wanted to exploit the Lutz family.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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