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On things adulterated by witches etc? francis Thursday, November 20, 2008


What, in fact, happens when a witch or occultist casts a spell or curse on foods, inanimate objects or living beings like pets, animals etc. How these things get adulterated because of such acts of witches or occultists? How these adulterated things affect the person who possesses it?

Can a person sense the presence of such things around him and is affecting him? For such a person what should be his logical response? To run away from it or to claim the objects back for God through deliverance prayer? Kindly help me by clarifying?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Francis:

Witches and such may adulterate food with substances that are part of their spell casting (similar to Christians using blessed salt or water in their cooking to bless the food).

Those substances can be bits of hair, parts of animals, concoctions of varies sorts, or even disgusting substances -- whatever they use to cast their spell.

How they do this? By preparing the food and serving it to you or covertly adulterating food prepared by others.

The effects of this can be the effects of whatever the curse was. If the curse was to have the person's financial life be disrupted then that may be what happens.

It is possible that a person may discern that he is being served food that has been cursed. In such a case do not accept the food. But, such discernment is not guaranteed. It is best to not accept food, or anything else, from a person who is a known witch or occultist.

Blessing one's food before eating it is prudent and a preventative measure, but if one does consume cursed food and things start happening then deliverance prayers are in order to break the spell or curse.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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