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Spirit/stronghold of self pity and over sensitivity Joan Monday, June 16, 2008


Dear Bro. Ignatius Mary,

I am writing to ask you for some of your no nonsense, practical advice in dealing with a woman I have known for close to 2 years.

I believe God brought my boyfriend and I into this woman's life to help her deal with spirits of self-pity and over sensitivity. I believe this because my boyfriend and I have been victims to these same spirits our selves for many years.

In my opinion these spirits always hurt and attack people in the same way and if left unchecked can lead to death.

This is how I've seen these spirits work: first an insult or slight occurs (this can be real or imagined), instead of immediately forgiving the offender and praising God an initial feeling of victimhood and self-righteousness is given into. The sin is kept alive by always talking to people about the offense; this can go on for years. Next obsession with the offender sets in, and then anger and hatred, this is followed by depression and finally thoughts that everyone is out to get you take hold and thoughts of suicide are entertained or acted out (as in my friend's case).

Despite the fact that we have explained this process to my friend, prayed for her and given her our own testimonies of being lead to suicide with negative thinking she just cries and cries and wants us to agree with her that she has been wronged. It seems that is all she cares about, she just has to be in the right, she just has to be the victim.

We told her what she is doing is a sin, it is a form of pride, she must forgive and quit talking to everyone about the offense. We told her that she should join her sufferings with Jesus’ passion to save poor sinners. We told her that even though she is known as a devout Catholic she is leading people away from the faith with all her crying and tales of woe. We finally told her that if Jesus and the Blessed Mother love you who cares what people think!!!

Nothing, nothing has worked, she is getting worse. Please help.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Joan:

It sounds like you have done all you can do to help this person. What is needed now is intervention from the professionals.

She should see a mental health professional. I cannot conclude much without a lot more information but I suspect the woman is probably suffering from depression and obsessive thoughts on the psychological side of things and from lack of trust in God on the spiritual side.

She needs to let go of whatever it was that happened. To not forgive endangers our soul, our mental health, our social relationships, and even our physical health.

If she will do it, she ought to go through the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance found in the HELP section linked below. One of the steps dealing with the issue of forgiveness.

You should NOT try to perform deliverance with her as you are not qualified, or to provide "therapy" unless you are a mental health professional. But, I would really try to persuade her to see a professional counselor or psychologist. She is obviously in pain. A mental health professional ought to be able to help her.

As for deliverance counseling one of the things we require is that the person be able to productively participate in the counseling process. If she is in deep depression that may need to be stabilized before deliverance counseling is possible.

In any event, seeking professional psychological counseling and the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance is the first step -- if she will do it.

Pray for her and be careful to not get entangled into a negative and problematic relationship with her or enable her in her dysfunctional behavior. These circumstances tend to develop into a black hole that harms everyone.

We will be praying for you and for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.