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Is this spiritual attack? | Daniella | Sunday, June 15, 2008 |
Question: I have been coming to the website for YEARS (since you guys have been under construction) seeking help. I always stop short of filling out the "help" form thinking I am making mountains out of mole hills. But my family has had "bad luck" like you cannot imagine. Our finances are always first and foremost targeted. I used to be so "alive" with the faith, but I have been experiencing a "dark night of the soul" that I cannot crawl out of. The more I try, the more bad things happen, the more my faith suffers. I have made many decisions in my life based on my faith that have all SEEMED BAD. For example, we made a decision to home school so we could immerse our children in true Catholic teaching, and our family harrases us constantly for making such drastic choices. As of tonight, our car is repoed, my family is not speaking to me, I recently found out I am pregnant with no.7. I am not lazy or lax, and I work constantly at trying to be frugal or fair. I second guess every words, every purchase I make 8 times, yet it is always the wrong choice-or the not good enough one. My husband was not a practicing Catholic until we married and he blames everything bad that happens to us on my faith. The other reason I think it might be spiritual is because ever attempt I make at improving my life spiritually (I recently found out my Church has daily Mass at a time I can work into my schedule and I have also become very active in our local group to prevent a PP from opening in our town) things become horrible. The other reason is bad things seem to happen as a result of choices that I made because I believed God wanted me to ("no wonder money is an issue, you have one income", "be real, not using birth control is cute at first, but God doesn't want you to have more than 4 kids, that's just not using the sense He gave you", "don't get crazy with issues like modesty, or censoring what's on TV, God wants you to be part of this world"). My prayer life has suffered greatly as well. I literally PRAY to be able to pray better. But I feel like such a hypocrit. PS-there also have been people we know involved in satanic practices who when we were first married were personally very offended... |
Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM
Dear Daniella: I am sorry to hear about these troubles. Remember that in the midst of the storm Jesus is there with you. He loves you. A lot of what you are describing can be ascribed to just plain life. For example, your decision to homeschool probably would have cause your family to harass you even if the devil did not exist. These sorts of things can happen without the devil's help at all. The "if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all" syndrome can be just a series of coincidences, or a series of bad decisions, or problematic behavioral patterns. On the other hand, this kind of non-stop "bad luck" can also be a spiritual attack, perhaps a family curse. The basic approach to spiritual attacks is to live the good Catholic life -- frequent participation in the Sacraments, prayer, devotions, and good works. In addition to this add specific spiritual warfare prayers such as those applicable in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog linked below. Particular prayers that I would recommend are the Hedge Prayers of Protection, Breaking Curses and Spells, and the Rebuking Particular Spirits. The next step is to go through the Seven Steps of Self-Deliverance found in the HELP section linked below. If none of this brings any sort of relief, then you may want to consider formal deliverance counseling. In any event, remember that God loves you. Also remember that your Guardian Angel is standing right by your side. Ask him for help too. God Bless, For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.