Question Title | Posted By | Question Date |
Could an upset psyhic harm a person? | Paul | Tuesday, June 10, 2008 |
Question: Someone just told me that she was afraid that a psychic whom she had come in contact with would harm her. She is a Catholic but somehow went to see a Reading. I told her to go to confession and keep praying and having faith in God for protection and never deal with psychic anymore. This person is afraid that the psychic would be doing some harmful things to her although the psychic does not know where she lives. What else should she do to protect her? Thanks brother! |
Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM
Dear Paul: I am not sure what your friend is afraid of? Is she afraid that his psychic person is going to track her down and do something? Or is she afraid that the psychic will cast a curse or spell upon her? Or is she afraid that the psychic will somehow use her "powers" to get revenge upon her? Most psychic are not into revenge magic and thus casting a spell or curse is not likely. That is what witches do. There are no "powers" the psychic can perform to reek revenge. As for personal harassment, if that happen then you friend should call the police. If your friend wishes there are two prayers that she can pray just in case. One is the "Hedge Prayer of Protection for Self" and the other is the "Breaking Personal Curses and Spells." Both of these prayers are in our Catalog linked below. On the spiritual side for your friend, she needs to go to confession to confess this sin of going to this psychic in the first place. After doing her penance, she needs to pray the "Prayer After Confession To Re-Claim Ground Taken By Satan" and the "Prayer to Confess Occult Involvement" (her occult involvement was visiting a psychic)that is in the Catalog. She needs to remember that God is more powerful than any psychic or even the devil himself. Hopefully this experience will knock some sense into her to not do anything like this again. She needs to trust in God, not violate the First Commandment by seeking psychic information. God Bless, P.S. maybe she needs to read the Catechism about this subject.
For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.