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The Devil, Excorcism and Heresies James Saturday, July 17, 2004


Dear Bro.,

I've read in the 'Exorcism of Nicola Aubrey'(you can find the text of which in the internet) that the devil just mocked those Calvinist who try to exorcise Nicola and told them that he helped them composed their prayers.

How come other sects/religions can exorcise evil spirits when they believe in heresies or called heretics or simply does not belong to the true Church?

Isn't the power to exorcise belong only to the one holy apostolic catholic Church? Is that what it means when the Lord said that people will call Him 'Lord' and exorcise in His name but will not be accepted by Him in His kingdom? God bless, James

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear James:

All Christians have the authority to pray for freedom from demons for themselves or for others, but only the Church has the power of Solemn Exorcism in the name of the Church per Church legislation. The Church has the right to regulate imprecatory exorcisms by virtue of the "keys".

Canon Law restricts solemn exorcisms (in the name of the Church) to the bishop or his priest delegate. Non-Solemn exorcisms using imprecatory commands use to be allowed by the faithful and by non-exorcist priests, but no more. In the Letter, Inde ab aliquot annis (Die 29 m. Septembris a. 1985), this faculty of imprecation is restricted SOLELY to a priest conducting a solemn exorcism specifically authorized by the Bishop. No layman and no priest outside of an authorized exorcism may use imprecation.

Since the Catholic Church is the Church that Jesus founded, who has the authority over exorcism, when Protestants or others perform their exorcisms they do so without Church authority, but merely upon their own personal authority or the authority of "where two or more are gathered..." in terms of their ecclesial fellowship or ministry.

So why are they successful in exorcism when they perform it utterly outside the authority of the Church? Because God is a loving God and is willing to bring freedom to the poor possessed soul even if the exorcism is without authority.

While Protestant do not technically have ecclesial authority, they are doing what they do sincerely and in ignorance of the requirement to obey the Magisterium of God's True Church. They also do their exorcism in the Name of Jesus. as Jesus said when asked:

Mark 9:38-40  "John said to him, "Teacher, we saw a man casting out demons in your name,  and we forbade him, because he was not following us." But Jesus said, "Do not forbid him; for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon after to speak evil of me. For he that is not against us is for us."

It is very dangerous, however, to be directly commanding the devil outside of the authority of the True Church. At most, what the Protestants should be doing is the same thing Catholic Deliverance teams should be doing -- using DEPRECATION in all prayers and deliverance counseling, which is permissible.

Those other groups who perform exorcism and are not Christian and thus do not do what they do in the Name of Jesus sometimes may be successful. This happens only due to the mercy of God on the poor demonized soul, and not because of ANYTHING the "exorcist" did. Non-Christian exorcism, however, is very dangerous. Many times a non-Christian exorcism leads to even deeper demonization of the "client" and also a demonization of the "exorcist."

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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