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Fasting, Confession and Influence Joe T. Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Dear Bro. Ignatius,

Greetings in the Peace of Christ! Thank you for answering my previous question. It really helped alot but I think I still need to persevere. I would like to count and ask for your prayers, and perhaps even those who have had read my query before. I was really interested in the question raised by Garry on confession and fasting.

On a pilgrimage to Rome [it happened in the Basilica of the Saviour (Lateran Basilica)] two years ago, I was fortunate enough to have had the grace to confess some things which had happened to me (I am sorry if will not mention it here) when I was still young. It really just burst out in me... It seemed like I was really compelled to give it back to Jesus and ask His forgiveness (This sin -- abuse that was done to me along time ago) through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was really something very great! I really felt freed and I even cried while I was saying it. The priest I had confessed with was a Franciscan and he really was very concerned and very stern regarding what had happened to me, I really felt the love of the Church and of God.

He saw my dillema and had given me an advise, and an imposition of doing penance to make amends -- for in someway consenting to what was being done to me -- by fasting every First Friday of the month. I think that he was really prescribing it to me to help me and cleanse but then unfortunately, after that I was not able to fulfill the penance which he had given me.

And now looking back, I think that he was doing it as a preventive and curative measure for any evil (I hope I am not paranoid) that has attached or has an influence on me.

Now, my question is, was the absolution given to me by the priest - valid - given for that particular sin (that I had long been hiding even though), I was not able to do what was prescribed to me as penance?

Was i right in thinking that whatever maybe happening to me is because I am still not free from that particular incident? Do you think that demonic influence is present or that a curse is upon me (since that person whom had done it to me had in some way connections with witches/witch doctors, I dont know)?

 What can I do? I do hope that I am not also just doing a blame game (pointing out what is happening to me to people).

I hope you can go through the barrage and maze of words that I had written. :) . I hope that it could not be that difficult to answer.

Thank you very much and God bless you and everyone in your ministry. May He who is Our Way, Truth, Life and Light guide you always! Likewise, may the Paraclete be with you always.

In the Risen One, I remain

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Joe:

You certainly have our prayers in general and for perseverance.

Usually when a priest gives a penance he asks if what he assigns is something you can do. If he did not do that, or even if he did and you agreed that you could do the penance, if you later find that the penance is unreasonably burdensome, then you need to go back to the Sacrament of Penance and ask for a different penance. If you cannot go back to the original priest, then go to any priest. Just explain and ask for a different penance. With the penance reassigned you are covered.

Since I do not know the details of your situation I can only speak generally. If you were involved in some incident that was connected to witches, it is certainly possible that spells and curses could be part of the picture.

It is also possible that some demonic attachment could be present. Even when the sin is forgiven in the Sacrament of Confession, an attachment or consequence of sin can still remain.

I would advise going through the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance and pray applicable prayers in our SW Prayer Catalog linked below. Prayer to Rebuke Particular Spirits is one prayer I would recommend; Reclaiming Ground is an important prayer to pray; and an others that might fit your situation.

If the Self-Help methods do not help you, then contact me for a confidential personal consultation.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary




For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.