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second sight Linda Wednesday, July 4, 2007


In the children's book "Emily of New Moon", by the same author as "Anne of Green Gables" the main character Emily is supposed to have "second sight". This is supposed to be inherited from her Scottish Grandmother.

In the book all this "second sight" happens to her when she doesn't seem to know, like see things in a dream. Only good seems to come from it. For instance, a doctor's wife is thought to have ran off with another man years ago, abandoning her husband and small child. Emily is having some kind of a dream where she sees that the wife really fell down an uncovered, ground well. They go to the well which has been boarded up for years for safty and find her body. The husband is comforted by this (he had been very bitter about it all) and treats his daughter better.

What exactly is this and is it a gift from God or is it from the devil?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Linda:

In some rare cases there are people who have some preternatural abilities. Fr. Amorth calls these people "sensitives."

The vast majority, probably 99.999999 % of all people who claim to be sensitives are either lying, delusional, hoaxers, or receiving information demonically.

But, once-in-awhile someone comes along who has legitimate preternatural abilities. These abilities are "natural" but most likely remnants of the abilities mankind had before the Fall when man was in perfect union with God.

Most of the time those with genuine preternatural abilities seem to exorcise those abilities toward loved-ones or others with a love bond. For example, a mother who wakes up at 4am and KNOWS that her son was just killed in a car accident or in war.

Sometimes such "sensitives" are able to discern things in general not having to do with loved ones.

Genuine preternatural abilities deal not with the supernatural, but with the natural. The case you mentioned about finding the woman in the well is knowledge of a natural event.

We are not really sure whether this ability is a gift (charism) or a preternatural (paranormal) talent. Those who are genuine exercise gift/talent in the service of others and the person himself is usually a very prayerful and devout person and very humble.

Fr. Amorth remarked that he has witnessed a gradual strengthening of the gift/talent through its continued use suggesting that this is a preternatural talent and not a charism gift of the Spirit.

In any event, there does seem to exist people with a genuine gift or talent of this sort, but they are rare indeed. We must be VERY careful and circumspect about accepting anyone with this alleged gift or talent.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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