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Victim soul to a dying sinner Meg Thursday, June 28, 2007


Having been used by Christ as a sacramental intercessor for a dying sinner, and experiencing his pain and a peculiar ability to communicate through his (restored) heart, after his contrition, he committed a grave act spiritually, if not physically, the day before he died. There was no contrition for this act, a function of his habitual sin during life, but it seemed diabolically influenced to me.

His sins and contrition were deposited within my heart prior to this act, which I understand is as a cloak when facing Jesus for mercy. However, this last act was not placed there, and I am concerned that it was outside of the protection the Lord provided his soul by using my heart as a buffer.

I think he (and I) didn't believe he was REALLY going to die, that he was given one more chance to live because he survived the horrible surgery. Not so. He had one more chance to convert with a restored heart and then die. This restored heart is the one that committed the grave spiritual wrong.

I was inattentive to his impending death, at the wrong moment, and so this is my fault. Thinking I was giving spiritual comfort and encouragement to a very, very sick but healing man I actually 'put up with it/participated' for a moment before I realized what was going on.

When he informed me he was dying, I asked Jesus for his life. Jesus said 'you don't know what you are asking.' So, I said, "your will be done." and the man died within moments.

As the man's sin was unconfessed, I had offered it at the altar during mass for the mercy of God. This last sinful act had not yet occurred. Will this be part of the intercession I must continue to make for this soul, or is this sin outside of my intercession and a last act of rejection of God?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Meg:

The only sacramental intercessor is a priest who acts as alter Christos. What you are describing of yourself sounds to me to be rather psychiatric and delusional.

Regardless, you cannot take on the sins of another person. There is no such thing as "depositing" a persons sins and contrition in the heart of another person or someone's heart begin a "buffer" for another. These are delusional ideas.

You do not know the state of this man's soul or whether or not he repented of this alleged last sin that you describe. It is likely that he ask the Lord's forgiveness at the moment of his death. In any event, he is in the hands of the Lord. Pray for his repose.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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