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Severe demonic attack Jennifer Thursday, June 21, 2007


I am not Catholic but I am a Christian. I have recently been invaded by demonic beings. I am not psychotic, a drug or alcohol user and have been celibate by spiritual choice for 10 years. I have been saying the prayers from this web site night and day as well as The Lord’s Prayer, The Apostles’ Creed and attending church, Bible study and receiving communion. I have had to quit my jobs and move in with family because of what is happening to me.

Two months ago I was sleeping in bed when I suddenly woke up to intense pain in my genitals, like a vice clamped down on me. Then a snake-like sensation went into my stomach and intense pain was in my throat and head, and intense pain in both palms like someone was drilling into them with an electric drill. I was completely in shock and overwhelmed with a force pushing down on me. This lasted for a short while and subsided. I went back to sleep and about an hour later it happened again.

The next night it also happened except that it lasted most of the night. By the next day it became continuous, all day and into the next night.

I also felt hot “sparkling” sensations in various parts of my body. It would burn into me and then the feeling of something alive and crawling would inhabit the area it had burned into.

Every night after that when I went to bed, I couldn’t sleep. An extremely evil feeling would overpower me and snake-like, cold, crawling sensations would move around inside my body. It was the first time I had felt absolute evil.

This has gone on almost continuously for two months. The pain is almost unbearable and each night it seems to go deeper into my body.

This demon is now in my face, tongue, eyes, hands, feet, heart, lungs, head and genitals. It controls my sleep and my dreams are horrific “real feeling “negative experiences that are completely unlike me.

It has now started to be superimposed in me during the day affecting my equilibrium, breathing, ability to focus mentally, and my facial expressions. It seems to block my thoughts and scramble my mind when I try to focus and it “acts up” especially in church. Something will start pressing down on me and a powerful drugged or trance feeling will try to put me into sleep and strange, painful sexual sensations begin.

I am desperate for help.

I appreciate any advice, help or references you can provide for me.

Should I use Holy Water as a non-Catholic Christian?

Thank you and God bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Jennifer:

I am sorry to hear about all this. What you describe sounds very intense and I am sure it is frightening.

You can use Holy Water even though you are not Catholic as long as you know that it is not a magic bullet. Holy Water is like a "No Trespassing Sign" -- some demons not come near it, others may not care. But is can be helpful to ward off demons. The power of the Holy Water is your faith, however, not the water.

I would recommend you follow the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance if you haven't already done that.

If the Seven Steps do not help, then you will need some third-party help.

We can see about helping you, we do take Protestant clients and have, as a matter of fact, a Baptist as a client in the past.

But what you are describing may be outside the area that we can help. For us, as Catholics, the Church restricts us in what we can do or not do outside of a formal Solemn Exorcism. But we can try to see if we can help if you cannot get help anywhere else.

There are some Protestant Deliverance ministers I can recommend:

The International Center for Biblical Counseling is where I was initially trained in Deliverance work. There is a page on their site that has referrals to a number of Deliverance ministries. Any of these I would recommend. For the referral page, Click here. I particularly recommend the Freedom in Christ Ministries.

If you cannot find anyone, or no one will help you unless you travel long distances, contact us and we can see what we can do. We do counsel with clients over the phone.

We will be praying for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.