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perfect possession? debbie Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Dear Brother Ignatius Mary,

I read the book "Hostage to the Devil" a few week ago, and I noticed in Martin's writings that he stated there was a state of perfect possession. He explains it as a possessed state that does not shy away from religious sacraments. He states one that is perfectly possessed can talk openly about religion, can recieve the sacraments, confession, communion, etc.

First off is this true? How would one know if one is so called perfectly possessed? It doesn't make any sense to me. I must admit that even the thought of it makes me uneasy. Could you possibly explain this further? Thank You

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Debbie:

Let me first say that Malachi Martin is not a source of solid information on anything. His books are best used as door-stops.

The only place I can recall where the term "perfect possession" is used is in Martin's book.

A more reliable source is Father Amorth, the exorcist for the diocese of Rome who observes:

“No matter what the origins, possession does not deprive us of freedom except during times of acute crisis, when we are not responsible for our words and actions. Freedom of the will, nevertheless, remains. We are still free to commit good or evil actions, to sanctify ourselves or to damn ourselves.”

As Father Amorth relates, a possessed person is not always under the control of the demon. During those times the possessed person can receive communion, attend Mass, pray, etc. It is only during those "times of acute crisis" when the demons take over the body and may react violently against the Eucharist, say blasphemous things, etc.

Thus, there is no such thing, in my view, as a "perfect" possession. There are various levels of intensity of possession; some are worse than others. I think the term "perfect possession" probably is referring to "total possession." But then "total" is not a good word either. In fact, I do not think the word "possession" is an accurate term.

The Devil NEVER possesses the soul, he can only take over the body. Thus to "possess" implies a level of "ownership" that the devil does not have.

A better word, and more accurate, is "demonization." Those to whom we would call "possessed" are demonized at the highest levels.

But, the idea that perfect possession is a level in which the possessed person may then be able to receive the sacraments, etc., is not true. As Father Amorth said, there are times when a possessed person is not under control of the demon and during those times he can act normally.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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