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raised by gypsies solomon Thursday, June 14, 2007


I believe everything that goes on with my girlfriends comes from the fact of her being raised by gypsies. She has dreams or more to say premonitions of things are going to happen and even about me. Even though she if Macedonian Orthodox she still keeps with gypsies traditions.

In her dreams she was able to foretell her sisters accident even though she is here in the USA her family is still in Macedonia. two days later her sisters in motorcycle accident, another dream of her grandfathers death next day grandfather dies but her family refused to tell her the grandfather died, she already knew.

The thing that bothers me most is the fact the majority of dreams are negative. She had a dream of her friend but could not remember what happen because she woke up right away, thinking of her friend, no more than five minutes pass, that same friend calls and tells her he had just gotten robbed and beat up.

What I want to know is this is right or should she pray not to receive anymore of these dreams. Because her parents were out of the country working she basically was allowed to hang with gypsies in her area. If I mention i had a wierd dream about a object or animal she right away tells me what it is associated with, I tell her no and don't put that stuff on me.

I had told her that it is wrong and about the Foretune teller story in the Act book in the bible, even though the girl in the story was telling the crowd to listen to these guys, refering to Paul and his followers, he Paul still exorcised a demon out of the girl and the men were mad because they used the girl to make money reading fortunes for them. I also read that this is when Paul was in Macedonia aint that a coincidence.

Or is there a way to turn this into something useful or good.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Solomon:

In my opinion the source of your girlfriend's abilities is questionable. First off, no one, not even angels and demons can truly know the future; that is something only God can know. Her involvement with Gypsies also calls into question the source of her "abilities."

One can have the "appearance" of seeing the future, but it is not so. Only God has that knowledge and God is not going to reveal the future to someone just for the sake of it. There has to be a very specific and obvious reasons for God to reveal the future to someone, and even then this would be an extremely rare event.

I think that your girlfriend needs to stop indulging in these activities, stop trying to have the experiences, renounce her "abilities", and ask God to remove them from her.

If she is not willing to do this, then that calls into question whether or not you should continue a relationship with her.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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