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skull, dragon on body board Linda Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Dear Bro. Ignatious:
I praise and thank God you are able to continue with this apostolate and are in better health.

Something happened while this forum was closed but I would like to know what you think of it. It was on the 4th of July of 05. My husband brought home a "body board". This is sort of like a surf board only shorter and broader. You can use it on snow and on water. Usually they have pictures or colors on them. This one had a black backround color and on the black color was a human skull. Above it was a dragon. The head of the dragon was touching the skull and flames were coming out of its mouth onto the skull. The claws of the dragon were placed on each side of the skull touching it and had blood trickling down onto the skull. The strange thing is this is how I first saw it. It repelled me and I didn't want to keep it so I put it out near the street. I told my husband that I found it disgusting and repellent and mentioned the blood. He said he didn't see any blood from the claws, so we both went out to look at it and there was no blood trickling from the claws as I first saw it. What do you think this all means? Some friends said that it was a warning from the devil. A priest told me that if the board was used for occult purposes that could happen.

What is your opinon on this? Unfortuantly we didn't break it up or burn it. My husband put it in a clothing bin instead.

Nothing has happened to us because of this. My youngest son did have some strange dreams of snakes, one where a cross appeared in the open mouth of a snake but this was in 2006.

I would like your expert opinon of all this.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Linda:

The previous owner of the board may have been flirting with the occult as what you describe are common symbols used by teenagers flirting with such things as a form of rebellion. Most of the time the teens are not actually in the occult, rather this is acting out to irritate the adults.

On the other hand, even when teens, or others, "innocently" adopt evil symbols with no intention of actually conjuring evil things, evil things sometimes get conjured anyway.

A saying I like to use is that "You cannot play in Satan's sandbox without getting hell's sand in your shoes."

St. Paul warns us in 1 Thess 5:22: "Abstain from all appearance of evil."

Even if our motive and intent is not evil, we are to avoid the mere appearance of evil. This means that a body board with the kind of decorations you describe should not be owned by a Christian. It means that a Christian should not dress up in costumes of demons and murders and monsters at Halloween. We, as Christians are to promote a Culture of Life, as our late Holy Father, John Paul II, taught us.

Now as to the weird phenomenon of your vision of blood on the board. It is possible that you imagined it; that is, that the vision was purely psychological. It is also possible that it was a demonic vision caused by the board having a demon attached to it. It is also possible that the vision may have been from God to "encourage" you to get rid of it.

In any event, such a decorated board is not appropriate for a Christian in my view and understanding of the Bible.

I also know that it is possible for demons to attach themselves to objects. As mentioned above, this can happen even though the previous owner of the board did not intend for it to happen -- play with the images of evil and one will attract evil.

Because of that possibility, what one should do is to bless the object with Holy Water, destroy it as best as possible so that it does not resemble what it was, burn it if it is burnable, and then bury it in the ground if possible. Never give it away to someone else or just throw it in the trash or anyway else where someone else may get ahold of it.

It sounds like your husband did not do this. If the board is retrievable, then retrieve it and follow the above procedure. If it is not retrievable, then pray asking God to protect anyone who has taken it home with them and ask Him to inspire such a person to destroy it.

This kind of thing comes up a lot. I think I will publish a prayer that deals with this very issue. It will be in our Spiritual Prayer Catalog when I get it written.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary




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