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Ouija Board Shoshana Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Blessings Brother!

This is my third time I have approached you about this problem. I need to ask a couple of questions.

Instead of repeating myself, please refer to my 2 former posts. the family that plays with the Ouija board and goes to psychics to get in contact with the suicidal son who died about 15 months ago.

Here are the exact words that the voices are saying told by an aunt in that family who also participates in these Ouija sessions: "Tomorrow is my nephew's wake 1 year since his death it will be a hard day for my sister and brother-inlaw and family we are are having a wake for him but it will still be a tough day for all we miss Mikie so much I know he will be there looking down on us all this day just as he has been everyday telling us things and days will get better time will show it miss you Mikie to the moon and back. Aunty Lisa".


The two questions are: 1) can I ask God to combust that board without causing damage to the family 2) I do pray intensively, but if they continue their activity is it useful?

I had a dream about the devil laughing at me while praying. To be honest it intimidated me. In the meantime, to give you one example of their activity, the family took a pic of the baby holding a sniper rifle and they even used this rifle for a gun salute while they were drinking at the son's wake while the baby was right in the middle of them. The baby is 9 months old. I fear for my great grandchild Kensley, she will grow up like them, let alone the spirits are still very prominent there. My grandson is changing from a respectful hard working young man and picking up their atmosphere. Please help!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCD, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Shoshana:

I apologize for the LONG delay in answering your question. I glitch in our system caused me to not see your question until now. (4.1.19)

I am sorry to hear about your relatives. They obviously do not understand how dangerous the Ouija Board, and all such things, can be.

God will not force them to stop thier behavior, but with your prayer (and ours) perhaps someday the Holy Spirit can crack that egg and convince them of their errant ways and bring them to Christ.

As to you questions:

On question one: No, that is not a proper prayer. The family must freely choose to stop playing with the Ouija Board. If God destroyed it, or you stole it, the family would just get another one. It has to be a free will decision on their part to stop messing with the Ouija Board.

A proper prayer is something like this: Father in Heaven, please bring down your Holy Spirit upon this family. I pray that your Spirit will be received and they can be enlightened to the truth and brought to Your Son. Amen (see prayers in the Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, linked below).

On question two: Prayers are always useful. You need to pray for them for as long as you live, and then when you are in heaven you continue to pray for your family.

Remember the story of St. Monica? She prayed and prayed and prayed for her son who was away from God. It was about three months before she died that her son finally came home to Christ and His Church. Her son, of course, was St. Augustine, one of the greatest saints the Church is ever known.

What brought St. Augustine back to Christ and his Church was the never-ending and perpetual prayers of his mother who never gave up.

So, yes, your prayers are useful, and even if it looks like your family are not changing their ways, it does not mean your prayers are not having an effect. You may not see a change for many years, you might not see a change during your lifetime. There are cases in which changes occurred after the person praying has died. So never lose hope. Your prayers matter.

Pray for your family, use the spiritual warfare prayers that are in our catalog, offer up your family and the individuals within your family in Holy Mass that you attend, have Masses said for them, and ask the Saints to intercede for them. The rest is up to their free will and hopefully the Holy Spirit can get through the fog and noise to influence their will and intellect to choose correctly.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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