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National Geographic Wendy Friday, September 1, 2017


I realize this might seem like a dumb question, so I apologize in advance.

Several months ago the National Geographic magazine published it's infamous Gender issue complete with a young pre-pubescent boy dressed as a girl on the cover. Since that issue, we have noticed that each issue seems dark. The articles are focused on pagan/pantheism naturalism, the photos are often disturbing and seem to glorify ugliness and horrible things. Each issue since then seems to be worse than the previous. The most recent ones have had articles detailing witchcraft and even one obviously mocking Christ.

My question is, is it possible that such a magazine would have a spiritual influence? We have definitely notice a "bad" feeling about the magazine, and it really feels disturbing. Thank you.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCD, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Wendy:

I have not read National Geographic is a long time. Because of the purpose of the magazine, it have stories about pagan cultures. There is nothing new about that.

With that said, given the cultural sewer we have become I would not be surprised if institutions such as the National Geographic become contaminated. I cannot, however, say that for sure since I have not seen the magazines you mention.

While there really no spiritual aspect to the magazines, per se, it is possible that the devil could use the images in the magazine as a kind of bait or as a trigger for you. Without a lot more information I cannot say that is happening, but theoretically it is possible. 

In any event, if these magazines are disturbing you, it may be wise to cancel your subscription. There is no reason to live with a bad feeling. It is better to have the peace of Christ than to have a subscription to a magazine that disturbs that peace.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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