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Is it possible she could have been his wife? Anne Friday, September 2, 2016


A few years ago my nephew and his wife took in an elderly man who was physically handicapped and his cute little West Highland Terrier. This man's wife had died of cancer, and before she died, she asked the younger couple if they would look after her husband since they had no children of their own (the elderly man and his wife had no children.) Later on after a few years, the couple took pictures in their living room around the holidays. In one picture, a white form was near the dog. In any more pictures, the white form was not visible. It wasn't long after that that the dog got sick and had to be put down. Everyone was very upset about this.

This past year the old man died.

It seemed as if the form they saw in the picture may have been checking on her dog and husband, but of course, there was no way of knowing it. It was a one-time thing.

Do souls sometimes visit their loved ones who are still alive? Even if they can't be visible to them? The dog did not react at all, but as I said, it seemed to be hanging out near the dog just to visit him.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Anne:

The white form near the dog was most likely a distortions or reflection of some sort on the picture.

But, to your question, yes, it is possible that people who have passed on are given permission from God to visit loved ones still alive. This most often happens soon after death of the loved one, who is in essence saying a final goodbye. This experience happens fairly often. 

We have an essay that includes mention of this: Seven Kinds of Ghosts

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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