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possible oppression of a child Ruthie Thursday, July 3, 2014


Thank you for your ministry, Brother Ignatius Mary! I'm so thankful to have found the Camelot Warfare Library and this forum. I do hope my question is not too similar to others you have had here.

I think our child might be spiritually oppressed but I am unsure how/why. Our pediatrician noticed our son was a "highly sensitive child" when he was three. We didn't notice ourselves but a couple years later we noticed that he was right on in that observation.

Over the last several years we have had ongoing behavioral difficulties. We have had always attributed it to him being a HSP but in the last year I often go to bed at night agonizing about how to care for our son. It seems like something is wrong, more than being "sensitive." I have thought about checking things out medically. Perhaps his neurotransmitter levels are off or something.

I'm not sure exactly what to call what we see or what "spirits" are involved. Generally, I would say anxiety, anger, easily irascible, suspicious of others. It seems he thinks the world is against him. That others want to cause him ill. An example, he was on the playground the other day sitting on the edge of a ladder. A small child comes up to climb the ladder. My son sees the boy coming towards him and kicks him in the face. Often a person comes close to him and I see him kick out his leg to keep the person away.

Anyhow, a couple months ago I googled novenas and did a novena to the Holy Spirit. After the novena was finished I was amazed. For a few days there was peace in our home. I noticed my son was still "sensitive" but not reacting in the paranoid and angry way. I felt such a burden lifted. A few days later the problems came back, however. I searched around the internet and found your prayers here. I started praying them. Eventually I prayed the novena again and noticed the same improvement. Same results.

Right now I am praying many of the prayers here and the novena to the Holy Spirit again. I've read over your site and wonder how else I can help my son. Most of the prayers seem to be for an adult. I don't want to give my son a complex by having him pray prayers of deliverance for himself.

I wonder if there is some ancestral sins that need to be dealt with. Before becoming a Christian at 22 years old (and now a faithful Catholic), my husband was involved in many sins in his youth. His father was an alcoholic. I myself was sexually abused as a child.

As I talked these issues over with my husband the other night, he told me something he never told me before. When I had the ultrasound of my sons (they are twins), my husband saw something evil. I can't recall how he described it but he said he saw something when he saw our son that made him recoil. NOt our son, of course, but something near that side. I hope that makes sense.

I am wonder what advice you would have for us. Continue with the prayers here, do the "House Cleaning", play the CD you recommend? Pray the Ancestral prayers?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Ruthie:

I am sorry to hear about your son. I would advise seeking out a neurologist and perhaps a psychiatrist. the symptoms you described could have a neurological source. It is also possible that your son may have a psychiatric illness.  I would check out those two aspects.

I presume HSP stands for Highly Sensitive Person. A note to all readers, please do not use initials and abbreviations unless a person in the deep Amazon jungle would recognize it. It only serves to confuse things.

You also mention twins but do not say if your son's twin is having problems also.

As for the demonological sources, demons most often hitchhike on problems that already exist, thus it is possible for your son to have medical problems to which demons may have exploited. This is assuming there is any demonic involvement.

The success with the novena may be a clue to a demonic involvement. I do not know what to say about your husband's experience with the ultrasound.

Certainly if there was something there in utero it could suggest three possibilities: 1) someone has cursed you. Is there anyone in your life to whom you have offended, even unintentionally, and might seek revenge? 2) a generational curse. 3) a demonic attachment due to your husband's past sins. His going through the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance (and you too) may close that door.

The most powerful deliverance is the Sacrament of Confession and the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist. Since your husband is Catholic he needs to be the best Catholic he can be and also be the paterfamilias (father head of the house). He has a priestly authority over his household. He must lead the way in spiritual warfare prayers.

If you are not Catholic also, you will not have the power over this that you would have had if you were Catholic. But, in any case, your husband needs to lead, with you supporting him, in the House Cleansing, the Ancestral prayers, Hedge of Protection, Rebuking prayers and the rest. As his parents, you and your husband pray on your son's behalf. Unless he is old enough, like a teenager with some spiritual maturity, you and your husband do the praying. He does not have to know you are praying in this way for him. This is particularly the case with the rebuking prayers. Your son does not have to hear or know you are rebuking evil spirits. The demons hear the prayers and that is all that is necessary.

Perseverance is the key here. You can never stop praying. Each time an evil spirit seems to be presence it must be rebuked. If the demonic attack happens 50 times a day, then it must be rebuked 50 times a day.

Spiritual Warfare prayers can only get rid of demons, it will not heal any underlying neurological or psychiatric problems. Thus, be sure to have your son checked out medically.

We will be praying for your son and your whole family.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.