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yoga and Kundalini Syndrome Sara Tuesday, May 6, 2014



I am happy to have found this website as I have been trying to figure this out on my own for 6mths. I would like to share my story:

I went on a yoga retreat. I thought it would be a good way to tone and get in shape. Everything was fine on the retreat, we did Kundalini yoga and chanted and things like that.

One night I had a dream (warning) that the leader was evil, so I skipped that morning meditation. A few unusual things happened while I was there. A discussion about God began and the leader went into a meditative state. On 2 occasions he transfixed his gaze on me which scared not only me but other retreaters. I would like to say that this leader was a very nice person and had devoted his life to serve humanity. But another retreater said she saw different sides to him, joy then sadness.

One day at the retreat we went to a park and laid on the grass. He covered his face with a shirt. I felt he was doing somehing, so I asked if he was doing magic on me. He did not answer. Then I felt compelled to close my eyes. I could feel something happening to my heart, some sort of energy. This lasted for a while then our elbows touched (his moved in a quick motion to mine) when we woke up I asked if he had sucked my energy. (We had had a previous discussion about how energy transmitted between persons) I believe that is why I thought that. He said why, I said because I felt something in my heart. He said he had healed my heart.

The next day was the last day of the retreat and as I was walking I felt a pinch on my bum. He was thousands of miles away. I was then talking to the woman I mentioned earlier, she said he is a mystic.

The next day I thought something was in my head, I was confused I was saying that powers are evil and he said they are not evil they are gifts and he does not use them for evil just as I would not use them for evil. I didnt like this and began to cry and ask that he stop. To which it did. I knew that he was able to read minds and he could also make people do things. I later read that Buddhists get these gifts on their way to enlightenment (a fallicy, I know, but I believe he truly believed he was a good person, and spiritually enlightened)

When I got home, I went to talk to him about this stuff. To make sure I hadn't imagined it. He only took credit for the pinching. But then he started telling me that he can manifest himself, he can even change the weather. That someone told him he would be the next (I don't remember but it was something like a mini-Buddha) Then he kind of mocked Jesus. That he changed water to wine so everyone could get drunk. This is when he seemed like a different person, he looked differently. And those comments were unlike him, before he spoke about us all finding our truths whether it be Jesus, Mohammed or Buddha. I know he accredits Osho highly. That night my husband and I were watching the History channel and a scary show came on that mentioned something he had said.

I was scared but immediately after the Bible study show came on and I felt that 2 comments stood out to me, Trust in God and He is not a God, he is a man. I also came across a bookmark that said The Truth is Easy to understand once it is discovered, the point is to discover it' That stuck in my head.

After that, the other woman told me she felt sexually aroused all day long and was dreaming of blue Buddhas. I felt at one time that I was being penetrated, so I called him. He said he didn't think it was him, he often spoke that his 'higher conscious' was a separate entity from him. Then he said he would ask a psychic. I got upset at this, and asked how he couldn't know what he was doing?! Then he began to cry and said he was worried about me. I forgot to mention that prior to this he said what he was doing was not satanic, that it is like a mother feeling it's child's pain (I still can't figure out why he said that except I realize that he can make me feel pinches miles away by pinching himself, other things have happened to support this)

After this I became very depressed, was having panic attacks, anxiety and afyer it was pain that went from my shoulder to my hip - back and forth. I realize I was in spiritual warfare. I prayed, listened to gospel music, prayed the rosary. I also felt that something was looking through my eyes. This lasted about 2.5mths. Before it stopped.

I forgot to mention that before this I had sent emails and spoke to him a few times that I felt God was trying to tell him he is on the wrong path, that I had come to the retreat to tell him this. He said he had once been a Christian. I should stress that he really did try to help people.

During my spiritual warfare something told me he had been abused and that was why he turned from his faith. I also got the inclination that he can empty oneself, learning this from Eastern Religious teachings, but not realizing that when he thought he was doing something good he was opening them up to be inhabited by evil spirits. That was trying to happen to me but because I have a deep rooted belief in God and Jesus I went into warfare.

I also realize it was Kundalini Syndrome, it says how serious this is for someone who isn't spiritually ready to surrender (I bet!) When I spoke to my priest, he said to stay away from evil and trust in the power of God.

My question is: what if he is possessed by an evil spirit and cannot free himself? That he continues thinking he is doing good, but the devil is stealing more soyls?

Also, since then some things have happened with me. I have encountered a few people where I felt they were reading my mind. All of these people were of Eastern origin, I feel compelled to tell them about God and Jesus and to read the Bible. I can see them visibly change and appear to process and are affected by what I am saying.

My question is whether I should continue evangelizing telepathically or is the devil using me to cause mental anguish to them?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Sara:

I am sorry, but the first thing I need to say is to chastise you harshly. You say you are a Catholic and you are into yoga, telepathy, Eastern practices. All this is forbidden by the Church, is the work of the devil, and is downright stupid of you to get involved with. You are asking for the devil to attack you. You might as well be saying, "Come on, Mr. Devil, come and get me." Is that what you want? When will Catholics get off their rears and learn their faith? This is not rocket science.

You need to terminate all association with this man and with all this yoga and new age evil. There is no such thing as "Christian Yoga." There is no such thing as spiritually safe yoga. There is no such thing as telepathy evangelism. There is no such thing as anyone reading your mind (only God can do that).

Because of your vulnerability on this, you must stay away 1000% from any Eastern people or activities, yoga, ESP, telepathy and all other evil nonsense.

You need to Confess all this and then renounce all this activity (Prayer After Confession To Re-Claim Ground Taken By Satan). If you have any books or other paraphernalia it must all be destroyed. You have the devil at your door. Slam the door shut before it is too late.

Start living the good Catholic Life the way it is suppose to be lived. You also need to go through our Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance and use our Prayer Catalog, both linked below.

This man is not your concern. You must have nothing more to do with him under any circumstances.

Your soul is at risk if you continue with these people and practices.

We will be praying for you to return to the Church and to Jesus Christ.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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