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Deliverance and music/musical instruments Athanasius Monday, February 4, 2013


Dear Brother Ignatius,

Do you know of resources of Christian music or christian musical instruments that have the power to drive evil away. The reason that I'm asking is that when King David played the Harp, the evil spirits left Saul.

God bless you

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Athanasius:

There are no instruments that are special to deliverance, but there are some pieces of music that are helpful in warding off demons. These include especially the Gregorian Chant, also Hymns, and other religious songs. I recommend to my clients all the time to purchase the CD called, Sleep Sound in Jesus by Michael Card. This CD of lullabies seems to be specially anointed. We have had great success with it, and the Gregorian Chant, is warding off demons. 

What we recommend that the CD be played all night long in the children's bedroom when the children are being harassed, or played throughout the house if needed. The volume should be kept low enough that it blends into the background and not disturbing sleep or daily activities.

We also recommend the song, Ten Thousand Angels by Lynn Cooper.

It is not so much about the instrument, though some instrumental music can have a spiritual effect, it is mostly about the lyrics. St. Augustine said that to sing a prayer is to pray twice. This is why religious sing the Psalms.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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