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Prayer group and vissions Kate Saturday, March 31, 2012


Dear Bro,Is it possible that a member of a prayer group ,who is highly admired for wisdom ,who leads the group into prayer and song could be a witch.

I attended the group on few occasions. spoke with two different people regarding group and happened to mention the persons name .One said she is a whitewitch and her father goes to practice voodoo once a year. The second person said she knows the family and true about the father ,apparently the person could see the leader in a vision laughing at the group and knows subconsciously that she is wrong.

the first person said she living with a man and not married.

I have been advised by one of them not to go to group.

Also regarding visions is it possible to see ones whole family generation who are dead hundreds of years.Both people have said to say nothing to the man who holds the meeting in his home.I totally disregard the person that called her a witch as I found out after he is off his rockers.

The second person i wonder are her visions true.Now between the pair of them i am not sure if i should attend meeting again. Both of them know each other.Be grateful for your advice.Thank you.God bless your work.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Kate:

Well, the first thing to remember is that gossiping is a sin. To listen and entertain gossip is a sin. This sounds like gossip to me. It is correct to disregard the man accusing witchcraft, but not because he may be "off his rocker", but because gossip is a sin.

As for visions, what you are describing sounds like bladerdash to me. A vision from God has a specific purpose that is His purpose, not a man's purpose. The "visionary" you describe is not doing that. Thus, I think her "vision" is not from God. It is most likely her own imagination, or perhaps even demonic, but it does not sound genuine.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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