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Please be careful Joseph Monday, July 11, 2011



Please be careful that you do not fall. We lost two great voices this past year for our church and faith (Fr. Corapi and Euteneuer). I do not want to lose you too. It seems the devil has been extra crafty lately with those in the spotlight. I can't help but feel discouraged after hearing about these two priests. If they can fall anyone can fall and I feel all the less hope for me. I will be praying for you and for them. Thank you for this website and putting yourself on the enemy's radar for all of us. I cant tell you how much I have learned from you and your work. I know in the end we win in the war against evil but it's discouraging to hear news like this. Again thank you for everything!

God Bless

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Joseph:

Too late, I already fell years ago. Through the graces of the Church I overcame my sexual addictions, was healed, willing accepted my punishment of the state and of my Order, and was restore to ministry once my superiors were convinced of my repentance, penance, and redemption.

We must alway remember that the Catholic Church teaches forgiveness, redemption, and restoration. There is no reason why some of these priests that have been involved in the sexual scandal cannot be returned to ministry. This "throw the guy under the bus" attitude of many American bishops is not Catholic, but political.

Fr. Corapi is correct that how these things are handled in the United States are deeply flawed. There are many people who acknowledge this. Fr. Corapi, however, has made this particular mess all by himself by his rash and rather disturbing behavior.

While the procedures in the U.S. are deeply flawed, we are never to be a black sheep separating ourselves from the shepherd.

In my case, I was contrite, repentive, cooperative, and obedient. That was largely why I was restored back to lay ministry. You can read my story as part of my online biography.

The devil is working overtime to bring down any priest, religious, or layman who has the guts to boldly tell the truth. We need to pray for these people because the pressures are great. The cliché, "except for the grace of God, go I", applies to all of us.

Concerning myself, I am attacked by the devil daily. The pressures are great on me too. My "fall" was instrumental in helping me to be stronger. But, without your prayers, that would not be possible. I thanks God for all those who pray for me.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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