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Can those suffering depression do deliverance Sister Seraphim Monday, October 18, 2010


Can those suffering depression do charismatic deliverance when they are on their tablets so that there is a slightly more balanced approach to deliverance? I have heard they should not do it at all with clinical depression but do not see why if on tablets.

Second Question. Do the spirits continue to leave after exorcism for those which manifested at one exorcism (by a priest)so that more was needed where found to be gone at the second exorcism and the exorcee complained that the priest's disceernment was wrong the first time because he said another exorcism was needed.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Sister:

To be qualified for deliverance work one must be able to think clearly and accurately. Clinical depression tends to cause thinking errors and difficulty in thinking clearly.

With that said, I do not see why a person cannot participate in deliverance if their clinical depression is under control and stabilized. I would suggest that the depression be under control and stabilized for a period of time before participating in deliverance. If one was in a depressive episode last week, or even the past few months, it would be prudent to abstain from deliverance work until there is an established long-term stability and balance.

If, however, one finds that their condition causes problems when doing deliverance then they should immediately cease this ministry.

Now, this is assuming one is called to do deliverance in the first place, and has been trained. One should never do deliverance work unless God has called them to do so, and that calling has been confirmed by others. It is highly dangerous to do deliverance when not called to do it.  In addition, one should not do this ministry unless they have been trained; ignorance and lack of training can be very dangerous also.

Second question: Often more than one exorcism is needed. In some cases, the Church has performed multiple exorcisms over a year or more. There are even cases in which a person is never delivered from demons, even with solemn exorcisms.

Some demons can hide successfully leading the priest or deliverance minister to think that all have left when they haven't.

It is possible for any lingering demons left after an exorcism to leave later if the person lives a good Christian life and perhaps continues with some deliverance prayers.

A person who is freed from demons may have those demons return if the person does not keep up his guard or does not live a good Christian life.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.