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Qi gong helps to understand God? Elizabeth Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A fellow catholic told me that her encounter with qigong has brought her closer to God as she believes in this energy thing and can sense this positive energy at the Eucharistic Adoration. She said she was able to resist the bad energy from her qigong master and believed she is well protected as long as she recite prayers during her practice of qigong. She became very "sensitive" to any energy around e.g. which church makes her feel comfortable etc. or sense the bad "qi" around. She believes this is a gift from the Holy Spirit, that she is able to "sense" the needs of people she meets and draw them to God.

I am very confused about this phenomenon as qigong or energy stuff is something paranormal that we as catholics should stay away from and yet this person seems to have benefited from practising it. What are your views on this? Is is possible that something good (she seems to be successful to draw some people to think about God or return to Church) can come out of something evil? Or am I too critical as the fruits of her act seem positive, yet the way she does it deviates from the basic teachings of the Scripture?
Thanks for your advice.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Elizabeth:

The so-called energy idea comes from Chinese cosmology that is hostile to the Christian faith. This "energy" does not exist. It is a demonic ploy. She needs to abandon this delusion.

We have had clients who became demonized because of activities like this. It is against Church teaching and worldview at best, and spiritually dangerous at worst.

As for God bringing goodness out of evil? Yes, He can and does do that. But, God does not do that in a way that would encourage a person to continue in their sin. Those helped are helped in spite of the aberrant practices. This woman is still placing herself in danger.

I might add, that the devil can manipulate things to appear good, and even allow people to do good things and not impede them, if it serves his purpose to keep someone in bondage.

The devil will have no problem seeing people come to the Church as a result of this woman's activities, if it will keep her in bondage. And as an extra treat, he may have a secret door into the lives of those who came to her for help or advice.

As for the this "gift" coming from the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit does not involve himself in error. Since this "energy" that qigong is suppose to effect does not exist, the Holy Spirit would have nothing to do with it.

This woman has been deceived by the Deceiver. Pray for her. We will.

Perhaps reading the Statement on Reiki (another "energy" therapy) will give some light on the matter to help you with this woman. Also, the document, A Christian reflection on the “New Age”, may be helpful since this is a popular new age thing.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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