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Self-Deliverance KENNEDY Friday, September 17, 2010


Whenever I have a plan or a positive expectation for something - it never gets done. If I'm optimistic about anything - I always get a negative result.

Most of my dreams are very strange in the sense that, I do get the opposite of whatever dream I've been having in the last few years.

The biggest problem for me is that I can't be confident or optimistic about anything I plan for. I just can't get excited about something because I know that nothing is going to come out of it anyway. It even gets worse when I write something down.

For the last four years I've been going through this phase where if I write down all my plans on a piece of paper, none of them of them will ever materialize. I just can't get anything done at all if I put too much of my time on it or if I think about it too much. Things don't seem to make any sense to me.

In the beginning I didn't take any notice of these things but since I discovered the Bible-knowledge website, I've woken-up. I'm starting to see very strange things happening in my life. It's like someone has put a stop to everything I strive to achieve.
I'm in an absolute total mess (financially, physically, emotionally, socially etc.). Everything seem have stalled.

Could you please pray for me that I receive the best solution to most of these problems.
I believe I need a proper deliverance and I want to do it by myself but I await for the needed advice from you.

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It's a very long story but I will try my best to give you a few bits about myself.

I'm an African British. I'm the fifth of the eight children (4 boys, 4 girls) by my Catholic African parents.

I got born-again on 2nd July 2006. It's a very long story of how I got saved but it is the best thing to ever happen to me.

I miraculously discovered your website a few days back and it has been an eye-opener. It all started by receiving a monthly newsletter from Andrew Wommack in which he was talking about Believers' Authority. There a few things (spiritual warfare) he mentioned in that particular article that got me going and I've never looked back.

My older brother died last year after having a land dispute with his neighbours in Africa. The doctors failed to find the cause of his death after spending many weeks in the hospital. He was a very fine human being without any problem. He was both mentally and physically fine before the land dispute took place.
My other brother is permanently involved in African-magic (occult). He gave up his job to permanently engage in this. My relationship with him started to deteriorate when I learnt about his involvement in this sort of thing and we don't see eye to eye. And he knows that I don't agree with what he is doing.
One of my Cousin returned to Africa after spending much of his time in UK to embark on African-magic (occult). When I found out I completely cut him off and he didn't like it either. We weren't on speaking terms when he died a few years back and I never attended his funeral.
My father died a few years ago from his heavy drinking. He drank from morning to sunset. For some reason we really never got on (He never showed me any love and he physically abused me). I last saw him when I was last in Africa 20 years a go. He just died a few years back before I got saved and I never attended his funeral.
All my sisters are happily married with children. The other brother, Nelson, is doing fine and just had a baby son, Kingsley. In the whole family, I'm the only one born-again, living abroad but, still unmarried, still childless (that can't be a coincidence, can it?) .
My mother is a devout Catholic (extremely religious) and she's serving in the church. I love her so much but I wish she could be born-again (I doubt).
I have now forgiven everybody and God is my witness on that.

Let me hear what you have to say about all that. I desperately need to get this sorted out once and for all. It's been one hell of a struggle and I was innocently unaware of its existence.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Kennedy:

I am sorry to hear about all the negative things that are doing on. I am also sorry for your loss of your brother and father. I am also sorry to hear about the relatives who into occult magic.

As to your experiences, I suggest that you refrain from thinking that everything you attempt or dream will not work out. You seem to be expecting this so much that it is possible that one reason why things do not work out is a self-fulfilling prophecy. That means that you could be subconsciously behaving in such a way that sabotages your plans and dreams. We all tend to do this at times.

Also look to the decisions and choices you make. Some of the unfulfilled plans could be caused from bad choices, or unrealistic expectations. There are many ways we can sabotage ourselves.

On the spiritual side, it is possible there is a family curse. I would recommend you pray the prayer of Renunciation of Ancestral Sins found in our Spiritual Warfare Catalog linked below.

Also, in that Catalog is a Prayer to Break Curses and Spells. I recommend that too.

The Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance would be good to do, too.

Since you are not Catholic, you can modify the prayers to remove those portions that are decidedly Catholic in nature, if you wish.

As for your Catholic mother, Kennedy, she is born-again. You do not have to wish that for her. All Catholics are born-again in Christ. Catholics follow the Bible, in fact, Catholics wrote the New Testament as all Christian in the first century were Catholic, and Catholic Bishops vetted the various books that were being used to determine which were genuine Holy Scripture and which were not. It was the Catholic Church that gave us the New Testament. Thus, you can trust when I say, that your dear mother is born-again according to how people have been doing it since A.D. 33.

We will be praying for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.