Question Title | Posted By | Question Date |
help with questions... | beth | Tuesday, March 16, 2010 |
Question: Thank you for having this forum. I have recently (last year and a half) been more faithful (confession, Rosary daily, mass 1-3 times per week, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Chaplet of St. Michael, am in an intense Bible study, etc). Do I have to be completely submersed in prayer for it to "count"? I do housekeeping and pray as I do my work, but can't be totally submersed in prayer or I'd never get anything done, and I don't think God would want that for me. |
Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM
Dear Beth: I apologize for the delay in answering. On your question: Do I have to be completely submersed in prayer for it to "count"? I do housekeeping and pray as I do my work, but can't be totally submersed in prayer or I'd never get anything done, and I don't think God would want that for me. All pray counts. I would suggest that you read the biography of St. Therese, the Little Flower. She taught what is called "the little way." Everything can be pray. The act of vacuuming can be a pray, picking up a pencil from the floor can be prayer. We should make all our actions a prayer. By this, I do not mean a verbal prayer, the act itself becomes a pray when we do it for God. God has given you the task of housekeeping, for example. He expects you to do that work. Offer that work up to God then your housework, the act of housework is a prayer. In addition, these actions can be opportunities for verbal prayer. For example, while vacuuming the floor one might pray, "Lord, as I vacuum up the dirt from this floor, clean my soul of the dirt of my sin." While changing a dirty diaper, one can pray, "Lord as I change this stinky diaper, cleanse the stink of sin from my soul." Finally, God has given us all work to do. He knows the responsibilities we have and thus does not expect us to be in prayer for hours like a cloistered monk or nun. Rather, if we only have time for fifteen minutes of prayer, God will give us the grace as if we had prayed for hours. St. Alphonsus Ligouri taught that. On the question: When I am in the confessional, sometimes (most times), I feel what I think is the Holy Spirit descending upon me, sometimes when I am just talking (before absolution), sometimes at absolution. Does this happen to people, or is this something I should be praying doesn't happen? Or maybe I am just wacko? You are not wacko. This is a great grace. The Holy Spirit does descend upon us when we confess our sins. When we commit grace sin our relationship with God has been severed. When we bring our sins to the Sacrament of Confession, we are restored to God's friendship and the Holy Spirit fills us again. Praise God for your experience. On the question about the yelling priest: The priest should be horse-whipped and removed from hearing confessions. I praise God that this experience only effected you for a few days and then your faith was restored. This shows that you are a true daughter of our Lord and of His Church. On the question about waking up at night: We should have a loving and thankful feeling for God. But, if waking up in the middle of the night was hampering you from having the peace of Christ and a loving demeanor during the day, then perhaps the middle-of-the-night awakenings was not coming from God. Ask God to let you have a good night's sleep so that you can serve Him cheerfully during the day. We have a Bedtime Prayer of Protection in our Prayer Catalog linked below. On the question of the ex-boyfriend: If nothing is happening now, it is unlikely there is anything to worry about. You can pray one of the Renunciation Prayers in our Catalog to renounce that experience to be on the safe side. On the question of spiritual progress: Such things as bitterness will hamper your spiritual progress. You need to forgive. I would suggest your go through our Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance linked below. That will help you to overcome bitterness.
God Bless, For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.