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Church-approved mystics and visionaries. Terri Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Brother Ignatius Mary,
wouild you have a listing of so called church approved mystics and visionaries. As a Roman Catholic I hear about many number of so called visionaries etc. How can I weed one from another.

Also I have read on other various catholic websites that declare you and your organization as not recoqnized by the pope/Vatican. Is this true?

Your servant in Christ,


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Terri:

There used to be a website that listed approved and not-approved apparitions. They have closed down.

I have captured the information from that closed down website and plan on re-constructing it. I am not sure when that will be ready. It will be a function of having the time to get it done.

As for the sin of others committing rash judgment, gossip, and innuendo in "declaring" that we are not recognized by the Vatican, such people are very ignorant and uncharitable.

Most organizations are not recognized by the Vatican, but rather by their local bishops, so they have their facts wrong from the get-go.

As to formal recognition from our local bishop, we do not have that recognition. According to Canon Law, we are not required to have formal recognition from the bishop. We are allowed to exist and to operated by authority of Canon Law alone.

Here is the general disclaimer statement from our Home Page:

These websites are owned and operated by the Order of the Legion of St. Michael (OLSM), a unincorporated non-profit Association currently not officially recognized by any ecclesiastical authority. OLSM is not formally associated with any diocese nor does it speak for the Church. We are, however, a defacto Association of the Christian Faithful established under canon 215 of the Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church and according to Canon Law may exist either with or without ecclesiastical recognition.

Specifically, the Order of the Legion of St. Michael is a prayer and faith covenant community of Catholics called to Secular, Semi-Eremitic, and Monastic Expressions brought together by private agreement amongst ourselves to privately pursue holiness, perfection, and the apostolate (as allowed by Canons 215, 298-299) under vows of the Evangelical Counsels privately offered according to one's state-in-life.

To preserve its independence and objectivity in pursing its apostolates of Internet Missions, spiritual warfare and the fight against the plausibility that infects our Church, all of which tends to create controversies, of which is to be expected when defending the Truth and the Church without compromise, the Legion has chosen not to seek ecclesiastical recognition at this time.

The Order of the Legion of St. Michael fully submits to the authentic teaching authority of the Pope and Magisterium of the Catholic Church, to Canon Law, and to the proper law of the Church as it applies to Associations of the Christian Faithful. All members and staff of the Order of the Legion of St. Michael take an Oath of Fidelity to the Pope and Magisterium.

The activities, aposolates, and these websites of the Order of the Legion of St. Michael are purely and solely the responsibility of the Order of the Legion of St. Michael.

For detailed information on our Canonical Status see the document, Status in the Church, which also includes a link for even more detail of the Theological and Canonical Considerations for groups like ours (which there are many around the world).

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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