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Lucifer's position Johan Thursday, October 8, 2009


I am aware about what the bible have to say Samael or Lucifer, but other scriptures also made him, as the supreme Arch, Angel of andels, the bringer of light... But also the left hand of God.

He was sent to hell because he was the only Angel strong enough to withstand the torment. After the second coming, he will again take his place at the left hand of God.

Warning, I am a curious person with alot of questions.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Johan:

Asking honest questions is not a problem, but keep in mind that these Q&As are not set-up to have a single individual ask question after question in a short time. If you have a lot of question, you might consider joining the Spiritual Warfare Discussion Group. You are welcome to join as long as you are respectful, your questions are honest, and remember that the membership are mostly Catholic Christians. If you do join, please do not use a screen name that is Luciferian in any way. Use a normal name (doesn't have to be your real name), and do not link any spiritualist or Luciferian websites in your profile.

Lucifer was one of the top angels in heaven. When God tested the angels Lucifer and one-third of the angels abused their free will to choose to rebel against God. As a result Lucifer was evicted from heaven and thus became Satan. The one-third of the angels who rebelled with him were also evicted from heaven and became demons.

This test was a test of free will. The angels had full knowledge of God and the choice He was offering them. Thus, their choice was perfectly made. Since the choice was made with full knowledge of what they were doing they cannot change their minds. They would never desire to change their minds. They would not change their minds even if it were offered to them.

This means that Lucifer and the one-third of the angels who rebelled made a permanent choice that cannot ever change. Their separation from God is forever.

We, too, are tested. But, since we do not have the full knowledge of the angels, we have the ability to change our minds during our life. Even a person who rejected God all his life may be received by God if at the last second of the person's life he changes his mind and accepts God.

After death, however, there is no changing of minds. The state of our soul at death, either in friendship with God or separated from God, is the state we will be forever.

This means that a person who dies in God's friendship will live with God in heaven forever. A person that rejects God and dies in that rejection will live with the devil in hell forever. God respects our choice. He does not force anyone into his heaven.

The choice is yours.

That fallen angels cannot ever return to heaven. They do not wish to return to heaven. Satan and his cohorts will spend eternity in hell. They made their decision and now have to live with it forever which is what they want to do. Satan said, "I will not serve". Well, he doesn't have to thus he rules in hell.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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