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lifetenmass Robin Monday, July 26, 2004


May God bless you. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
I am a "new" Catholic; less than 2 years.
My question is about the lifeteen mass. My kids enjoy it because there is much more singing, accompanied by a rock style band. However, there are some things that make me uncomfortable. The main one being that the teens go up and approach the alter during the consecration. They do seem very reverant, but for some reason it just does not seem right.
Also having the loud rock like music during what to me is a solemn and life changing moment. Many of the young women are also dressed in tight fitting or short cut outfits.
So, I am "old fashioned" or is there something to these concerns of mine?
I know the bottom line is if I do not like it I do not have to go,
however I would like to be able to explain to my children if there is cause for concern.

Thank you

Question Answered by Mr. Jacob Slavek

Dear Robin,

Yes quite simply all of these things are wrong.  I think the best way to explain it is to say that they are irreverent.  Mass is not a social function, it is a sacrifice, it is worship of a Divine Being.  It is not a party.

Mr. Slavek.

Footer Notes: (a) A Eucharistic Minister is clergy (Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion). Laity are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and should never be called Eucharistic Ministers.

(b) There is no such Mass called the Novus Ordo. The Current Mass is the Roman Missal of 2000, or the Oridinary Form of the Mass. The Tridentine Mass is the Roman Missal of 1962, or the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. Please refrain from using the term, Novus Ordo. Thanks.

(c) The titles of Acolyte and Lector belong exclusively to the Installed Offices of Acolyte and Lector, who are men (only) appointed by the Bishop. These roles performed by others are Altar Servers and Readers, respectively.