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RE: New Missal Clement Monday, May 10, 2010


Dear Mr. Slavek

I'm residing in Malaysia. The Missal that we use here is the one approved for use in Europe and other English speaking countries other than USA. The scriptures are taken from the Jerusalem Bible. The link that says that NRSV will be used is found here:

This article was published few years ago. There is another new one with similar contents but I couldn't find the link. Hope it helps.


Question Answered by Mr. Jacob Slavek

Dear Clement,

I did a little digging and here's the page we're looking for:

Like you said, it's a few years old.  I don't see any connection with the revised missal in Canada, but I suppose the plan could be to introduce both the new Missal (sacramentary part) as well as the revised Lectionary at the same time in Malaysia and other countries.

Regarding your original question about the approval, well I can't comment on the thought process of either the Vatican or the Canadian Bishops, but what I CAN say is that they would have complete authority to make such a change, regardless what has previously been done.

Another possibility is that originally the Vatican rejected the use of the NRSV only in the USA.

From the looks of it though it may or may not be the exact text taken from the NRSV, meaning, that the actual official text in the Lectionary may only be BASED on the NRSV.  Maybe if one of my readers is living in one of the countries where this lectionary currently is being used could post and report whether or not the inclusive language is "corrected" or not, at least in those cases where inclusive language would create theological and other factual errors.

Mr. Slavek

Footer Notes: (a) A Eucharistic Minister is clergy (Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion). Laity are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and should never be called Eucharistic Ministers.

(b) There is no such Mass called the Novus Ordo. The Current Mass is the Roman Missal of 2000, or the Oridinary Form of the Mass. The Tridentine Mass is the Roman Missal of 1962, or the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. Please refrain from using the term, Novus Ordo. Thanks.

(c) The titles of Acolyte and Lector belong exclusively to the Installed Offices of Acolyte and Lector, who are men (only) appointed by the Bishop. These roles performed by others are Altar Servers and Readers, respectively.