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partaking of the precious blood at a wedding mass Joan Monday, May 18, 2009


a priest suggested that it would be beautiful for the bride and groom to act as extraordinary ministers of the blood of Christ even though they are not trained to do so. Would this be acceptable? It's my understanding, too, that only the bride and groom receive the precious blood. Is this correct?

Question Answered by Mr. Jacob Slavek

Dear Joan,

No of course it would not be acceptable.  :-)  I'm sure it would be cute and sentimental and whatnot, but if it's not clear that the couple is 100% sure and aware of what they are dealing with (the Precious Blood of Jesus) then it's a serious abuse.  Your priest should know better.

Regarding who may RECEIVE the Precious Blood, the same rules would apply that apply to any other Mass in your area.  That decision is made by the conferences of bishops and the local bishops.

In the previous GIRM there was a specific instruction that the bride and groom may receive under both species.  That's probably what you are thinking of.  There is no instruction anywhere that says ONLY the bride and groom receive.

Mr. Slavek

Footer Notes: (a) A Eucharistic Minister is clergy (Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion). Laity are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and should never be called Eucharistic Ministers.

(b) There is no such Mass called the Novus Ordo. The Current Mass is the Roman Missal of 2000, or the Oridinary Form of the Mass. The Tridentine Mass is the Roman Missal of 1962, or the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. Please refrain from using the term, Novus Ordo. Thanks.

(c) The titles of Acolyte and Lector belong exclusively to the Installed Offices of Acolyte and Lector, who are men (only) appointed by the Bishop. These roles performed by others are Altar Servers and Readers, respectively.