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Semper Fidelis
Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who defame your good conduct in Christ may themselves be put to shame. —1 Peter 3:15-16
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One of the primary missions of the Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael and its St. Michael&s Call community of websitea is to provide the opportunity for Catholics and non-Catholics alike to obtain solid and accurate answers to their questions about the Catholic faith and related matters. This is accomplished through study and research of Church Documents, expert opinions from reliable and orthodox authorities, and the writings of the Saints. Go to Resources and Authorities to find a Table of Resources typically used as the basis of our Answers in this forum.
Any area of honest inquiry is permissible to ask our Forum Hosts: moral theology, catechesis, Church history, canon law, Church dogma, Church discipline, questions of orthodox behavior and belief, and questions about the spiritual life.
Please see our Guidelines for Posting and Protocols and Rules of Conduct before posting to our forums.
The specific mission of our Q&A Forums is to provide EDUCATIONAL Apologetics for people of good will who ask honest and genuine questions about the Catholic Faith in order to:
- learn more about the Faith, /li>
- to strengthen their faith,
- to find advice about living out that faith, or
- to learn how to deal with those in opposition to the faith.
The St. Michael Q&A Forums, as "educational" Q&A resources, are not interactive discussion forums and should not be used to carry on a conversation with a Forum Host over one's favorite theological quibble.
The St. Michael Q&A Forums are not designed for debate and will not publish “questions” that offer debate over the issues.
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There are many chatrooms, newsgroups, bulletin boards, and mail lists located elsewhere on the Internet where participants may engage in dialogue, debate, or controversy. This is not the place for it.
The Forum Hosts are men and women who volunteer their time to our Q&A Forums. Our Forum Hosts may be commonly called “experts” but are not so much experts as they are people who are absolutely committed to submitting themselves and their opinions to the Pope and Magisterium in all areas of Church teaching. Our Hosts can be expected to give answers that conform to the teaching of the Church, or which represents an educated application of the principles contained in that teaching. Please keep in mind that where the Church has not explicitly defined a matter even saints have disagreed. See our Resources Page for more information about how our Forum Hosts research and verify their answers to your questions.
Our Forums are designed to be an reliable resource for authentic Catholic teaching, philosophy, and worldview for Catholics who wish to be orthodox and obedient to the Church, and to “friendly” non-Catholics who genuinely wish to learn about the Catholic Teaching on whatever subject interests them.
We take great pains to try to answer each question accurately so as to give a clear picture of the Church’s teaching on the various issues presented when that teaching is available. When the Church has not spoken about an issue we try to give an answer that is consistent with the principles taught by the Church, Catholic philosophy, and the Catholic worldview.
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