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Biblical Literacy during the Middle Ages Tim Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Grace and peace to you!

10 years ago I did my masters thesis in Medieval French literature on the spirituality of an obscure, 13th-century French poet known as Rutebeuf, in regards to how Biblical literacy and personal faith in the everyday life of lay people were not an invention of the Protestant "Reformation" but were consistent parts of the daily life of all believers.

Biblical literacy was indeed higher in the Middle Ages than it was during the Renaissance.

The problem is, being in Brazil, I don't have access to my thesis, and I am having a difficult time finding exact figures to support these facts on the internet (I had done all my research back then in a place called a library, using these things called books that were made of paper...).

Could you recommend any links that give details on the Middle Ages and Biblical literacy? I would very much appreciate it!

God bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary

Dear Tim:

I am sorry, but I do not know of any links that deal with that subject that will be reliable. You need to be VERY careful. The people most interested in this topic are anti-Catholic Protestants who are well-known for approaching history with "selective perceptions."

Sorry I could not be of any help.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary