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Pope taking a different name Paul Sunday, August 19, 2007


What is the history of the Pope taking another name? and is it just a tradition that a Pope doesn't take the name Peter?


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary

Dear Paul:

The custom of popes changing their names upon election is dated to Sergius IV (1009). Since then all Popes except Adrian VI and Marcellus II have changed their names upon election.

Before this time there were several popes who did change their names, including the four popes immediately preceding Sergius. Nevertheless the custom is credited to Sergius.

The reason Sergius may have changed his name is that is real name was Peter. It is the custom for Popes not to assume the name Peter in honor of St. Peter our first Pope.

Unless I missed anyone or included someone by mistake, here is a list of the Popes previous to Sergius who changed their names, beginning with the Pope immediately preceding Sergius and going backwards in time (real names in parenthesis), the year is the year of election:

John XVIII (Phasianus): 1004
John XVII (Siccone): 1003
Sylvester II (Gerbert): 999
Gregory V (Bruno of Carinthia): 996

John XIV (Peter Campenora): 983
John XII (Octavius): 955
St. Deusdedit (Adeodatus I): 615
St. Melchiades (Miltiades): 311

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary