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charismatic relatives stacey Saturday, February 9, 2008


I attended a charismatic church for about a year and a half and left when I discovered some major flaws in the movement. My aunt and uncle are both charismatic especially my uncle who sits on his computer all day long and watches prophecies most which don't even come true. The only reasons he will go to church is if a. He thinks he is going to get a prophecy that he will inherit or come upon a bunch of money which has yet to happen and probably won't happen. b. He has a crush on the female pastor who has had major cosmetic surgery and a boob job courtesy of funding from the congregation.

Last night when I visited their house he so tactfully informed me that unless I spoke in tongues I will always be a "deaf and dumb christian" and that I wasn't living up to my spiritual potential because I wasn't operating or seeking the "gifts of the spirit." I asked him what he meant by that and he said that I should be casting out demons, prophesying, etc.

I'm almost through reading the new testament and I haven't found anything that says we have to do these things much less build a church or a whole theology around it. He started to argue with me telling me I wasn't "spirit-filled" and that I would just end up being a "dead Baptist" like my mother and father. I told him that I was probably going to convert to Catholicism and he said "Well you'll just be a dead Catholic."

I asked him what his standards were to determine whether someone was "spirit filled" and he couldn't answer. I told him that nowwhere does Jesus preach that we have to go to church and act like a bunch hyenas every Sunday and that as far as I was concerned that was a very immature proof of our spirituality. I could go to a rock concert to get the same effect.

He told me that I would never grow as a Christian unless I did those things and I told him well a genuine Christian is one who patterns their life after the teachings of Jesus and spreads the gospel and that it doesn't depend upon a bunch of silly theatrics.

He told me I was sadly mistaken and that I was letting "the devil get a hold of my spirit." I then asked him who was behind his spirit and of course he said the Holy Spirit(they all say that). Every time I'm around him he's always talking about some "new movement of the Holy Spirit" or all of the Baptists and Catholics who will soon be joining "the fold." Typical worthless charismababble as far as I'm concerned.

Where exactly do they get all of this crap and decide to build a whole theology around it? What is the best way to handle people like this? I was so mad I just got up and left!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Stacey:

The first thing you must do in dealing with people like this is to not get angry. Your anger is not productive and is actually leading you to sin.

For example, unless your uncle specifically told you that the only reason he goes to church is to get a prophecy about money or because of a crush on the female paster, that is a presumption of his heart on your part. You cannot judge his heart and to do so is sin. You need to confess that sin to God and stop the presumptions about your uncle (as well as presumptions about the female paster).

As to the substantive issues on the theology of spiritual gifts all you can do is to inform him of the Truth. It is NOT your job to convince him. Your job is only to inform.

Thus, inform him and then let it go. St. Paul warns us about unproductive argumentation. Such unproductive pursuits does not serve our Lord and only causes us to lose our peace with Christ. You have found that out.

When I say this, by the way, I do not mean you "inform him" every time you see him. Inform him once and then let it go. You will not change his mind, only the Holy Spirit can do that.

If he approaches you about these things, you can kindly inform him that you do not believe the same things he does about this and that you no longer wish to discuss it.

If he refuses to let it go, then tell him that if he has any respect for you at all he will respect your wishes to not discuss this subject..

If he still will not stop it, then you may have to say something like, "Uncle, I have explained to you that I do not believe the same things you do about this. I have asked you to respect my disagreement with you and to not discuss this with my again. You insist on ignoring my request which shows that you do not respect me. If you will not respect me then I will not visit you again."

Sometimes, even with family, we have to walk away from them. St. Paul teaches this in the Bible. It is a hard thing and a last resort, but sometimes it is necessary.

By the way, for a complete and comprehensive discussion of spiritual gifts, the charismatic movement, and the Catholic and Biblical view of this see the essay, Charism Gifts that Build Up the Church.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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