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Scarey Times Tessie Saturday, October 30, 2004


Dear Brother,

When I was growing up, my parents were devout Italian Catholics, who taught me their values: to love God first, then my family, to obey God's laws, to always be honest, anything worth doing is worth doing well, I was no better or no worse than anyone else, treat everyone with respect, etc. All my friends' parents were like mine; I have tried in my adult life to live those values, you know, like a regular person.

It seems like I turned around and all of a sudden, since I believe the things my parents taught me, I'm a conservative redneck right-wing religious bigot. I agree with your terrific essay that one of the best weapons the devil has going for him today is TOLERANCE. We're asked to accept things that are atrocious and beyond the pale, and if we don't we're intolerant nasty people. It's scarey.

Here in my county, the ACLU sued the public schools, and teaching to all schoolchildren on "tolerating" homosexuality has been mandated by the court. That's just one thing. Jesus said people would hate us because we believe in Him; I don't think it's coming, I think it's here. And we're all sitting here watching it happen.

A protestant friend told me that satan is the prince of the power of the air, and I believe that. Hollywood and the media machine send this awful stuff out, and my mom always used to say that familiarity breeds contempt; I don't think I really understood that till now.

This isn't really a question, I guess, just comment. But it gets kind of hard to always be swimming against the current-my arms get tired. I struggle with depression and despair; I know despair is a sin. I try to pray unceasingly--I fail alot. I do thank God that I know the truth when so many are deceived.

I grieve over my gay daughter's estrangement from God and my 80-year old mom who is failing. A friend whose daughter died in a car wreck, for encouragement gave me a set of Fr. John Corapi's talks on our faith. If anyone has questions about Catholic beliefs, or needs a boost, I can't recommend them enough. They are a great comfort and a blessing and they answer alot of questions, especially if you struggle. I have found him on EWTN, and he has a website.

I read everyone's questions and your answers; I learn alot. Thank you for your ministry. Thank you for listening. Please pray for me.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Tessie:

We will certainly pray for you.

What you describe is certainly true. These are scary times. The key, however, is to remember that God promises to make lemonade out of the lemons of this life. Since God is not a liar we can KNOW and trust Him to do this IF WE LET HIM.

The Christian life is not about comfort, it is about perseverance. We must persevere to the end. Notice the word inside the word per-severe-ance. Perseverance requires accepting the severity of this life.

It is a great privilege to suffer and join our suffering with the Passion of Christ offering up that suffering for the salvation of the world.

Yes, we live in very hostile times, but not as yet as hostile as the first three centuries of the Church when it was illegal to be Christian and being "found out" could cost you your life.

Yet, our generation has its own form of suffering and persecution.

I would suggest to all that we remember the story of St. Peter walking on the water.

When Jesus walked on the water approaching the boat the apostles were in during a storm, the Apostles thought Jesus might be a ghost and were afraid.

St. Peter asked the apparition, "If it is you Lord, beckon me to come on the water with you." Jesus invited St. Peter to come onto the water and walk to Him.

This is amazing! St. Peter, a mere human, was actually walking on water. Then something happened....

...St. Peter began to notice the raging storm all around him and he began to sink and called out for Jesus to save him.

The moral of the story is that is we keep on eyes upon Jesus, instead of the storms raging around us, we too can walk on water, that is, walk with the Spirit to glorify God and make testimony of our faith before the world.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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