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Mindfulness and Archangel Azrael Alexandra Monday, March 20, 2017



I been asked by my therapist to do mindfulness To help down since.I have ocd.

Recently I was visted by an angle. Ok I didn't like say you open your eyes and saw a tree. It was picture in my mind. The angel didn't have wings but he wore gold robe and his skin colour tone was.yellow it almost shinning like glitter. his hair was comb back too.
So this is what happened and I want to am I on right track.

So Mary mother of Jesus came to me. I didn't want to go with her because I was scared.
She wanted me to take her hand and walk with her because she knew I never had a loving mother. But I freaked out and had a image of her face with sharp teeth.

I ran to Jesus he said "Why you afaird of my mum"? I then ran away from all of them even from my therapist. Suddenly everything was black and dark. I was all alobe. I try to run away from darkness but I just curled up into a little ball. Suddenly I was in a white room. Well everything was white!

Suddenly I was hit 4 arrows in my heart. I sat there bending over blood dripping completely whiped out. Then I believe it was my angel the angel I described to you just before. He rest his hand on my shoulder and said "You need to pull these out" I said "But I don't want to. Im scared what it be like without pain"

Then he said "I will help you"

So I pulled the 4 arrows out. I then for some strange reason had to reach in my heart and take out coal or iron. It was probably the size of block of butter.

I then noticed I had 3 open wounds in my heart. Then Jesus came to me and place his hand over my heart and healed it.

He said to me "With love we heal scars,your job in this world is to heal people scars".

So after that. A week later my sister was concerned and.thought the mindfulness isnt good and she had a.bad feeling about it. Especially when I mentioned I was.given fruits like a peach or a pineapple.

But I was.on the net and I came across this oil painting of this angel that looked exactly like what I saw in my mindfulness. I was shocked. I read the description and it aaid Archangel Azrael.

It said Azrael helps heal greif and also helps deliver those who have passed to Heaven.
If you are grieving or you feel you have been let down or betrayed by life or others. Archangel Azrael will help ypu find your way into the light of the world again.

What do you think of all.of this? I thought it was too.much of inquisitive.

Have a good day


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), LTh, DD

Dear Alexandra:

The Church recognizes only three angels by name: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael. We are not to refer to any other angels by name, or give angels names.

The reason that the Church is adamant about this is that other religions and the New Age refer to all sorts of angels, but these angels may not be of God. The so-called angel Azreal is one of those that are used by New Agers. We should avoid all experience with this so-called "angel."

By the way, it is St. Michael who delivers us from this life to the judgment in the next life.

"Mindfulness" is not a Christian concept. It derives from Buddhism and Eastern mediative practices, which are condemned by the Church. One definition of Mindfulness is:

Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment.

This is decidedly Buddhist and Eastern in philosophy and utterly contrary to the Biblical admonition in 2 Corinthians 10:5~

We destroy arguments and every proud obstacle to the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.

To obey Christ we must judge our thoughts, we must accept that there is a "right' and "wrong", and in doing so we must capture our thoughts and make them obedient to Christ.

Alexandra, you need to stop this "mindfulness" approach. renoucnce this expereince, and instead emmerse yourself in the Bible and Church teaches in order to avoid falling into traps like this.

To help you do this I recommend that your go through our Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance

We are praying for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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