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Saint Nicholas Eric Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Hi Brother. I am an American man living in the United States. My wife is also American, but she went to high school in Germany. It is a tradition there for children to leave shoes out for Saint Nicholas on the night of December 5 for him to fill with chocolates, oranges, coins, and other nice things. On December 6, Saint Nicholas Day,the children wake up to find these goodies.

We've been married for 4 years, and although we have no children, she continues this tradition with me. Every December 6 I wake up to find little goodies in my shoes, which I think is very sweet of her to do!

Anyway, this has prompted me to research Saint Nicholas, and I have been amazed at my findings! According to several online sources, it seems that he was a very powerful miracle worker who may have even raised the dead on a few occasions. I don't know how much of what I read on the internet is true, but these seem to be reputable, Catholic-based sources.

Growing up in the United States, I was, of course, familiar with the nickname for Santa Claus, "St. Nick," but I never realized it was based on a real person. I was wondering if you could please shed some light on a few things for me:

First, is Saint Nicholas an officially recognized Saint in the Catholic Church?

Second, having grown up Catholic, I wasn't taught anything about this man. Why not?

Third, is it possible to find a Saint Nicholas medal, and, if so, would you recommend that I wear one?

I have always loved Christmas and would love to wear the medal of the saint who Santa Clause is based on, not just for the novelty of it but mainly because, if all I read is true, he was a great man!

Thank you, Brother, and Merry Christmas!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), LTh, DD

Dear Eric:

1) St. Nicholas is an official Saint in the Catholic Church. He is known as St. Nicholas of Myra. He was the Bishop of Myra. He lived from A.D. c. 270 - c. 346. His feast day, a memorial, is December 6th. You can find some biographical information here.

An interested piece of trivia, at least for me, is that the name Nicholas is a form of my family name. This St. Nick is a cousin. I sort of look like Santa Claus when my beard is long.

2) I have no idea any you were not taught anything about St. Nicholas. You will have to ask your parents and your parish priest about that.

3) Yes, you can find a St. Nicholas at any Catholic Religious supply store. I certainly do recommend wear his metal. You can view the list of St. Nicholas patronages at the biography link above.

He was indeed a great man because of his great charity and generosity, and his holiness. He did raise three boys from the dead and did other miracles.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

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