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Purgatory - What is God's will? Gena Mary Thursday, April 30, 2015


I am a Catholic who is committed to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. My heart aches for their sufferings I pray for them daily. Recently I have begun to wonder about God's will. Does he want me to first focus on the expiation of my sins to either reduce my stay in Purgatory or, prayer of prayers, to allow me to join Him fully in Heaven when I am called? Or, does he want me to be charitable and "give all" to the holy souls because of their desperate needs?

I am trying to do both but find myself feeling guilty to be thinking of myself and wanting to earn indulgences for myself. Then I think that I haven't done enough for the holy souls and the vicious circle begins.

I haven't found anything in Scripture to help me discern His will. As you can tell, I am becoming a bit scrupulous about this. There is no doubt that I WANT to go to heaven and avoid as much time in Purgatory as possible but I can't, in my heart, fore sake those souls in such need.

Thank you for any insight you can offer me!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), LTh, DD

Dear Gena Mary:

It is God's will that you live the Christ-Life in the Catholic Church as best as you can. This means doing all the things that devout Catholics do, including praying for those in purgatory.

As for offering indulgences to those in purgatory: The usual practice is to offer some of the indulgences gained to those in purgatory and the rest to ourselves.

The extraordinary practice is called Heroic Act. The Catholic Dictionary define Heroic Act as:

 An act of charity by which a person offers to God, for the benefit of the souls in purgatory, all the works of satisfaction he or she will perform during life, and all the suffrage that will come to him or her after death. It is not a vow but an offering that can be revoked at will. Its heroism consists in the readiness to undergo sufferings here and in purgatory in order to relieve others of their purgatorial pains. The Church has more than once approved such a heroic act of charity.

~from Fr. John Hardon's Modern Catholic Dictionary

As this reference says, one may offer all graces received with indulgences (works of satisfaction) to those in purgatory. This offering can be revoked at any time. There is no shame in this. It is permitted at will.

As to whether or not God is calling you to this Heroic Act, I cannot say. You should discuss this with your spiritual director, confessor, or parish priest.

Remember, this offering can be revoked at any time so there is no harm is trying it if you feel called to do so.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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