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Teens and the library Alexandra Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Hi Brother.

I hope you had a good day.

I work at a library in New Zealand. It's a nice library and it always use to be a safe environment in Browns Bay. But as time went by and now Im 24 things have changed. In the sense of. There are these young teens who hang outside the library. That's not the issue. During Saturdays nights at the beginning they would drink and leave there acholoic bottles and pizza boxes every were. We the librarians had to clean it up. They started to make the public people uncomfortable them just hanging there. Smoking etc. We knew they hang there to get free net from our WIFI so we turn it off. We've had the police to come in and sort them out. Now it has gotten worse. On Sunday there was burnt rubbish in front of the library under a tree. I saw burnt pages from a library book I believe and the librarians discovered they burnt one of our green big rubbish bins. Of course the librarians told the council and the police. Then the next fellowing day. Some teen which my librarian believes they were girls. Wrote on the library brick wall and I excuse for the disgusting words they wrote but they wrote some girls name and said "that she is slut and a whore and that she should died and no one likes you" it was written with a marker so we can't removed it. So we put black rubbish bag over it and tap it so no one can read it. They also draw a stick figure hanging. Our manager contacted police and they said they will contacted the girl who has been targeted. Since the teens wrote her full name on the wall. The police said a library near us too there was an assault aswel. And just yesterday one of the librarians told me that a customer went up to her and said they saw boys dressed up in girls dresses doing horrible things. They didn't mention what kind of horrible things. But they mention to get security.

My question is what pray can I say so the Library and then trouble teens and the girl is been bullying will become in peace and loved?

Have a good day



Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), LTh, DD

Dear Alexandra:

I am sorry to hear about this. It seems that in the last twenty years especially our children had devolved into animals with the senseless vandalism and the cruel bullying.

As for a prayer, perhaps this one will assist you:

Prayer to St. Joseph for a Difficult Problem

O Glorious St. Joseph, Thou who hast power to render possible even things which are considered impossible, come to our aid in our present trouble and distress. Take this important and difficult affair under Thy particular protection, that it may end happily. help this poor girl who is being bullied. Give her strength and perseverance. Help her to forgive her persecutors. Also inspire the perpetrators of this bullying to repent of their sin and to have hearts filled with peace and love.

O dear St. Joseph, all our confidence is in Thee. Let it not be said that we would invoke Thee in vain; and since Thou art so powerful with Jesus and Mary, show that Thy goodness equals Thy power. Amen.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart, pray for us.

We will be in prayer for this situation.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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