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Validity of confessions Dana Saturday, December 27, 2014


Hello Brother Ignatius,

I will start by saying that I have suffered from scruples for a very long time. Here is my dilemma: I recently went to confession and after confession for some reason I started doubting the sorrow I had for those sins and also my firm purpose of amendment. I was afraid the confession was not valid and so immediately after that confession I went to another parish and confessed the same sins again.

The priest that heard my second confession asked how long it had been since my last confession, I told him about a month which wasn't true. I just figured that since I believed the first confession wasn't valid I did not have to tell him that I had just received absolution 30 minutes prior to seeing him. Two confessions in a span of 30 minutes.

So my question is,
Are those two confessions valid? I'm afraid I might have abused this sacrament due to my scruples. Thanks and God bless.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), LTh, DD

Dear Dana:

We will pray for you concerning your scruples. I know dealing with this is difficult.

From what you have told me, it sounds like you were not trying to deceived the second priest, but honestly thought your first Confession was not valid and thus it did not have to be acknowledged. The lack of intention for deceit and the fact that telling the priest when you had your last Confession is purely informational and not necessary for validity, there is no sin.

With that said, you should have told the priest about your scruples and about the previous Confession. This information can help the priest in counseling you. Next time, should you do this, tell the second priest about the first Confession even it is was only 30 minutes prior.

Concerning sorrow and firm purpose of amendment: Are you sorry for your sins? Are you sorry that you did them? If you are sorry and wish you hadn't committed the sins, then the sorrow for sins is satisfied.

As for the firm purpose of amendment, do you want to try to stop the sins, to not do them again? Are you willing to work on not doing them again? If so, then firm purpose is satisfied.

Concerning validity: If the answers to these questions are "yes", then if you satisfied all other elements, such as confessing all grave sins, then you first Confession was valid.

The second Confession was also valid if all elements were satisfied.

We will be praying for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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