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Positive Psycology Movement Rose Sunday, April 14, 2013


Dear Brother,

Happy Easter!! Thank you for all the good work you do and the sage advice us confused Catholics are able to receive anonymously.

Please forgive me for using the term movenent as there is a possibility I am attributing too much weight to something that ought not to receive this type of label. Our family has discovered this through the children's education system as our Primary School child told us they were testing and teaching this model (Authentic Happiness) at the school. They are quizzed on their values and then taught accordingly. This is at a government school in a country outside America but with similar values.

One is an organisation involving a man named Martin Steligman doing research into the psycology of happiness and how to achieve it.

I believe the justification is to teach children 'indepentent values' but they are not transparent and we were not asked to give permission for this type of teaching. I was lied to by the teacher when I asked her if the questionare was recorded anywhere and she said it was only kept with her and not electronically. I since discovered it was recorded on an international database i.e in the US.

Is there any potential for harm and should I consider changing my child's environment to prevent exposure to this type of teaching if need be.

May Our Lord continuously Bless you and your Apostulate for His Glory.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Rose:

Steligman's Positive Psychology is a humanistic psychology and as such is not competent to help others find happiness, in my opinion. Happiness can never be found in secular notions of happiness. When the pursuit of happiness is then placed in the realm of psychology, we find a coercion of the mind (brainwashing if you will) developing in that people are herded toward secular and humanistic definitions of happiness.

In fact, genuine happiness can only come from God. God gives us the gift of joy to which we can experience even in the midst of the most unhappy experiences on this earth. The secular notion of happiness is not guaranteed by God as it falls short of genuine joy and happiness that comes as a grace from living in friendship with God.

If this humanistic approach, which has no place in the schools experimenting on our children, is happening in your children's school, I would seek to opt out my child. If they will not do that, then I would remove my child from the school and send them to a Christian school that does not do such things. If necessary, I would home school the children if that is a legal option in your country.

You may want to talk to a lawyer about your options.

If you live in a country that seeks to force parents to have their children submit to State notions of education and socialization without the parents' permission, such as the neo-fascist approach that is now developing in the United States, then you may not have a choice. But, in that event I would want to see all questionnaires, materials, reports, and notes on my child. If legal action is necessary to secure that, then that is what I would do.

Most importantly I would suggest developing a close relationship with one's children whereby they can feel free to discuss openly the things they hear in school. Then you can correct the wrong notions they learn in school. Also, read all their textbooks, assignments, and other materials.

The best alternative, however, is either to have your child opted-out of this activity if possible, or better yet to remove the child from this school and placed in a Christian school, providing the Christian school does not do the same thing.

The State knows, and has always known, where the control is at to sculpt their version of the Brave New World — to control the education and socialization of children. This fact is one of the most dangerous threats to Christianity.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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