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Fr. Richard Bain Mary Wednesday, April 10, 2013



I was just wondering if Fr. Richard Bain (he has the gift of healing) is in good standing with the Catholic Church? Alot of people say and give witness he as the gift of healing. He is open to prayerlines. I called him and he told me to send (email) a picture of myself first so I did. Once I sent it to him I called him and he gave me some advice then he prayed silently. Then he told me he was going to email me some instructions well I haven't received them yet or maybe its too soon. Is it common for priests to ask you for a picture of yourself? Then I found a really disturbing article online involving comments he made.
Thank you.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Mary:

I can find nothing negative about Fr. Bain except for the comments to Jimmy Akin's article. Certainly, if it was Fr. Bain that made those comments, he is clearly not thinking with the Church. But, there is no way to know if Fr. Bain actually made those comments.

Here are some of the comments made under the name of Fr. Richard Bain. Keep in mind that we do not know if Father actually made these statements:

 Posted by Father  Richard Bain on Wednesday, Dec 29, 2010 4:15 PM (EDT):
I have been seeing a psychiatrist for nine years because of severe ringing in  the ears that prevents me from doing most priestly work.  This long, deep  look into my unconscious has uncovered at the very core of my being an extremely  strong drive to be a priest and equally strong drive to be married.  I am  priest through and through, but at the same time I am wholly and completely that  man about which God said, “It is not right for man to be alone.” 
Celibacy is a GIFT and as such can’t be legislated.  The Church can’t demand the priest to give what he does not have.  And so you are wrong to call Father Cutie a “fallen priest.” Rather, he is a good, holy, priest who had  the courage to be what God called him to be, a married priest. 
Father  Richard Bain



Canon 277 clearly states that celibacy is a “special gift of God.”  The  scandalizer is not the priest who NOT given this special gift falls in love and  gets married.  He is only confirming God’s word “It is not right for man to  be alone.”  The scandalizer is the Catholic Church who sins against this  word by not allowing the priests who clearly have not been given the gift of celibacy to marry. 

Saint Nicholas of Flue was given the special gift of inedia - living without  food or drink. This allowed him to devote every minute of his waking day to  prayer and to draw extremely close to God. He has been dead for over 400 years,  yet one still feels extraordinary peace and love when praying at his relic in  Sachsein, Switzerland. Why doesn’t the Church, while they are at it, demand that  all priests be inedicts?  And, if a priest is found eating anything but the  Eucharist take away his faculties and teach that if he continues to eat without  being laicized - which can take up to thirteen years - he will go to hell.

Father Richard Bain

Clearly this man is a troubled soul and perhaps a psychiatrically trouble mind.

As to the comments:  No one has a "right" to be a priest, no man is forced into celibacy. If one is not called to be celibate, then one is not called to be a priest in the Latin Rite. There is no such thing as a man called to be a married Priest in the Latin Rite.

There also has never in the history of the Western Church or the Eastern Church (where priests may be married) that someone ordained as a single man was ever allowed to get married. The state of the man at the time of the ordination seals his state, vis-a-vie, a married man may be ordained, but a man ordained as a single man may never be married.

There are exceptions to married priests in the Latin Rite. Priestly celibacy is a discipline and not a dogma thus exceptions can be made when the Pope decided. These, however, are extreme exceptions, and are usually about a priest or minister from the Church of England or Protestantism who converts and petitions Rome for ordination as Catholic Priests. This is extremely rare and not what this person making comments under Fr. Bain's name is referring to. Thus, that exception is really not part of the discussion here.

The discussion is about the ordinary men who want to be priests, thus the ordinary rules apply. Yes, as I mentioned, celibacy is a discipline, not a dogma, but God does not call someone to violate Church rules on the priesthood. God calls no one to rebellion in fact or in spirit. In fact, God has repeatedly said in the Bible, and in many private revelations, such as that of Sister Faustina, that He values obedience over sacrifice.

The way in which these comments are written, the language used, and the childish arguments made do not have the mark of an educated person, at least one in his right mind. I suspect that the comments are not that of Father Bain, but of an impostor who is trying to make their idiotic comments sound authoritative, or someone who is trying to impugn Father Bain out of revenge or some maliciousness, or is just someone in need of psychiatric care.

Bottomline: Yes, the comments are patently out-of-line and contrary to Church teaching, but we have no way of knowing who posted the comments.

Unless there are other statements that we know come from Father Bain for sure that confirm these sentiments, the sentiments made in the comments in question should be considered a hoax and not actually coming from Fr. Bain.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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