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Homilies no longer appear to address sin John R Saturday, August 11, 2012


Bro. Ignatius Mary,

Recently, that is over the past six months, the Sunday homily never appears to address sin, not even those sins that the Roman Catholic Church deems as deadly or mortal sins. These sins are the sins of abortion, same-sex marriage, living a homosexual lifestyle, pre-marital sex, and the use of contraception.

Unless I am mistaken, is it not now still the responsibility of every ordained priest, to warn the sheep entrusted to him, by Christ himself, against the danger of losing one’s eternal salvation should one continue to incur God’s displeasure?

I would think that now, only two months prior to the impending 2012 Presidential election, that every homily would address the sin of abortion, same-sex marriage, pre-marital sex, and contraception. I know legally, our priests have had restrictions placed upon them with regard to supporting one candidate while rejecting another.

However, there are no restrictions that have been placed upon a priest addressing sin in his homily. A priest may warn his congregation against the pitfalls of sin, especially those sins considered to be a deadly or mortal sin. It is also important for the congregation to know, that any one who willingly condones what God has condemned, will be held accountable for the same sin.

To do so, is not a violation of Church and State, but only an endorsement of Roman Catholic Church Teaching and Doctrine.

Please Bro. Ignatius, any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

God Bless,

John R.

Question Answered by

Dear John:

Just as a note: the Constitution does not say anything about a separation of Church and State. That is a legal fiction invented by an activist court misinterpreting the Constitution. The Constitution says that the government is not to establish a state religion. Our founding fathers were protecting us from being forced into a state religion like the Church of England, where the head of the Church is the head of state, the King.

As such, this has nothing to do with whether or not a Nativity scene is erected in a City Park and the like, or whether non-profits support this or that candidate. This corruption of the interpretation of the Constitution is the basis of the IRS regulation. Nevertheless that is the regulation in force. As a result, some Protestant churches have given up their exempt status to keep the government from telling them what to do. Frankly, that is not a bad idea, but of course, it would require the people to be more generous in donations.

As to homilies, priests and deacons are required to give an explanation of the Readings of the day. That can still be done and also talk about all the things you mentioned. If one can think creatively almost any bible reading can, in some way, be connected to the subjects you mention. In fact, as I used to be Baptist preacher, I challenged my priestly friend and spiritual director to test me on this. Almost always the subjects of sin can be worked into the homily from whatever the topic in the biblical readings. And if it can't, then the Priest or Deacon can explain the Readings of the day, and then make remarks about current events and sin.

On that score, it should be noted Bishop Gracida and other bishops have affirmed that voting for a pro-abortion candidate is grave sin and thus may not receive communion in such a state of sin. 

Each parish is actually a part of the diocese. The bishop is the one directly responsible to the IRS. Yet, bishops all over are taking a stand against not only abortion, but same sex marriage.

I would also suggest that a Catholic is sinning by being a member of the Democratic Party. The Church says that members of the Freemasons are in sin and barred from the Sacraments because the Freemasons teach things that are hostile to Christianity. There are few organizations more hostile to the Christian faith than the Democratic Party, which officially, as part of their Platform approved of murdering babies. This coming Convention the Party will be considering same sex marriage for their Platform.

No Catholic can possibly support the Democratic Party, and especially not Obama, without grave sin with that organization, and that candidate, propose such manifest evil.

This should be preached by every priest and deacon in the United States.

The bottomline is that there is no excuse for priests and deacons to not admonish and teach their flock about the sins that can damage and kill their souls. Those clergy who do not perform this very important task of a shepherd will stand before God to account for why. May God have mercy on their souls.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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