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CHARISMATIC GIFTS AT MASS John Monday, March 26, 2012


Hi, Brother Ignatius -

I'm writing in reply to a comment you made in Mr Jacob Slavek's section of question and answers concerning charismatic gifts (specifically at Mass). There is a period towards the end of the eucharistic celebration (after the Canon of the Mass and Holy Communion) where charismatic gifts ligitimately can be exercised - directly before the final blessing (reserved also for announcements etc.). This does not contravene liturgical norms. The charismatic gifts exercised here are usually prophetic utterance, word of knowledge, and word of wisdom (as listed in 1 Corinthians 12), and if there is an utterance in tongues - it is always followed by an interpretation. Charismatic Masses of this kind are usually lengthy (to allow time for sharing of the charismatic gifts) so that these gifts do not intrude or interrupt the main part of the Mass (viz. the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist). The scenario I am describing has received episcopal approval where I live.

Secondly, you seem to define the gift of prophecy to preaching/teaching during the homily. I interpret the gift of prophecy in a much wider sense - an inspired word directly from the Holy Spirit giving comfort, encouragement, and exhortation (1 Cor. 14:3). What you seem to define as prophecy (during the Liturgy of the Word) would be more akin to the "gift of teaching/preaching". Your thoughts on this would be much appreciated.

Your wealth of knowledge is much appreciated, and your input valued! May I take this opportunity of wishing you a most blessed Easter.

God bless you -

Question Answered by

Dear John:

I disagree. I see no provision in Liturgical Law that allows charismatic gifts other than prophecy (which is primary preaching) by the priest or deacon during the homily. In order to be allowed, there must be a specific mention of it in Liturgical Law. I think your bishop has overreached.

The presence of the Charismatic expressions are contary, I believe, to the purpose of Mass. In fact, there is no such thing as a Charismatic Mass. There is only two Masses authorized in the Roman Rite: The Roman Missal of 2000, and the Roman Missal of 1962. Anything else is a violation of Liturgical Law, both Missals must be said precisely has the Holy See requires. As Vatican II affirmed, "No one, not even a priest, may change anything in the Missal on his own authority." Without a statement from the Holy See on this innovation, I will have to side with the published Missal, which gives no provision for such things:

The General Instructions on the Roman Missal states:

90. The concluding rites consist of

a. Brief announcements, if they are necessary; 

b.The priest's greeting and blessing, which on certain days and occasions is enriched and expressed in the prayer over the People or another more solemn formula; 

c. The dismissal of the people by the deacon or the priest, so that each may go out to do good works, praising and blessing God; 

d. The kissing of the altar by the priest and the deacon, followed by a profound bow to the altar by the priest, the deacon, and the other ministers

There is not even a hint that allows anything else than what is specifically stated during the closing rites.

In addition, I find that allowing the charismatic expression during Mass to be profoundly rude and insensitive as not everyone present may be interested in charismatic expression. 

The definitions you appear to be using are borrowed from the Pentecostals. We need to avoid interpreting the charismatic experience the way that Pentecostals do. They are very close to being 100% wrong.

I recommend reading the lengthly treatment, including the Pentecostalism that infect the Catholic Renewal, on this subject entitled, Charism Gift Building Up the Church. Be sure to also read the footnotes as they contain extensive quotations and information.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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