Question Title | Posted By | Question Date |
How to prepare myself for baptism and confirmation | Baek | Saturday, October 15, 2011 |
Question: I am waiting for baptism and confirmation sacrament to replace current unwanted holy spirit with a new one, but what I am worried is if God push unwanted holy spirit who lives inside my body as soon as I get baptized. I wonder if unwanted holy spirit can be driven out of my body through baptism sacrament. The purpose of receiving baptism sacrament is to drive out unwanted holy spirit out of my body immediately and completely so can this baptism sacrament perfectly derive this unwanted holy spirit out of my body no matter what this unwanted holy spirit's intention and evil will is? How should I prepare myself in order to perfectly derive out unwanted holy spirit who dwells inside my body through baptism sacrament? |
Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)
Dear Baek: There is no such thing as an evil Holy Spirit. That is a contradiction in terms. If you have a spirit who has possessed you it will be a demon. The purpose of baptism is not to exorcise a demon. If that is your only purpose to be baptized then you should not be baptized. Baptism and confirmation is something one does when they truly and genuinely believe in Jesus Christ and the teachings of the faith. It is not merely a technique to get rid of unwanted spirits. You need to talk to your pastor about this and be properly catechized about the purpose of baptism and confirmation. While the right of baptism, at least in the Catholic Church, includes a formula of simple exorcism, there is no guarantee that you will be free from this unwanted spirit when you are baptized. You may need formal deliverance counseling or even a solemn exorcism. Jesus Christ is the only way to receive freedom from unwanted spirits. Thus, if you have never been baptized it is important to receive the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. But your motivation to seek the Sacraments must be because you are genuinely converting to the Christian faith. If the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation also rid you of this unwanted spirit, that will be a side effect. The primary effect of the Sacraments is the sealing of the Holy Spirit upon yopur soul, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit into you life, the reception of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to help you to live the victorious Christ-life, and the entry into the Kingdom of God and the life of Faith. But remember, that these Sacraments will not automatically rid you of this unwanted spirit. The Sacraments will help to get rid of the unwanted spirit, and perhaps will get rid of the spirit, but there is no guarantee. Thus, your desire and motivation to receive the Sacraments must be because you love God and believe upon His Son and wish to enter into fellowship and friendship with Him. To prepare for the Sacraments, you need to learn the Christian Faith, the true purpose of the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, and start living the good Christian life and all to which that means. You should be geting some instruction in the faith from the pastor or other teachers at he parish before receiving Baptism. God Bless, Footer Notes: This forum is for general questions on the faith. See specific Topic Forums below: Spiritual Warfare, demons, the occult go to our Spiritul Warfare Q&S Forum. Liturgy Questions go to our Liturgy and Liturgical Law Q&A Forum Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office) Questions go to our Divine Office Q&A Forum Defenfing the Faith Questions go to our Defending the Faith Q&A Forum Church History Questions go to our Church History Q&A Forum