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Forgive the brother that has offended you John Thursday, August 25, 2011


Bro. Ignatius,

I know that as a Roman Catholic, I must forgive those who offend me, turn the other cheek so to speak, and I do forgive them, even without their asking for forgiveness, but, when the abuse continues, is it wrong, or is it a sin, to ostracize yourself from them?

I guess what I have trouble understanding the most, is that, as Roman Catholic's, we are taught that when we sin, whether it is a venial or mortal sin, we must confess our sin and ask for God’s forgiveness. We are also taught that if we do not ask for God’s forgiveness, we are forgiven. Yet, we are told that whether the offender asks for our forgiveness or not, we must forgive him.

Christ declared, “There will be more rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner than over ninety-nine virtuous men who have no need of repentance” (Luke 15:7).

Bro. Ignatius, if you could explain this I would greatly appreciate it.

God bless,


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear John:

Most people misunderstand forgiveness. One can forgive and not like the person. One can forgive and avoid the person, even cross the street to avoid him. Certainly a woman who is raped must forgive her attacker, but no one would expect her to invite him to dinner.

Jesus said that if we do not forgive, he will not forgive us. We are to forgive. Forgiveness, however, has little to do with the abuser. It is true that our unforgiveness places a spiritual bondage upon the abuser, but we are not suppose to get revenge. Rather, forgiveness is really about not taking revenge of any sort, letting go of the hurt, and letting God take care of the abuser. Until we let go, we cannot heal.

This is the subject of an entire step in our Deliverance Counseling. We have a pamphlet that explains the true nature of forgiveness:

Dealing with Bitterness and Unforgiveness

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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