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Christianity Buddy Friday, May 20, 2011


How and why can we take the Catholic Church seriously?

A pivotal component of the strong delusion that is Christianity revolves around the name/title Jesus Christ. Christians and others have rallied around the weak and blatantly deceptive assertions surrounding the source of the name Jesus, among others in the so-called New Testament. All of the purported uses of this name in ancient settings are actually the Hebrew and Aramaic names that we call Joshua, in all other instances. Why then all of the tortured explanations to convince people that the Hebrew name translated in all other instances as Joshua should in some special cases become the dubious name/title Jesus Christ? If these stories were the truth, why has so much deception accompanied them and those who have profited from them throughout most of the last two millennia? How can followers so readily overlook the proven fact that the New Testament was created in Rome, by Romans, centuries after the supposed occurrence of its story line?

It is undeniable that the European names and faces of the New Testament and Christianity cannot possibly be the truth. They were interpolated into the so-called Gospels by Roman leadership. It is important to remember that ancient Judaeans were dark-skinned, as were the Gnostic Coptics (Egyptians) and the Ethiopians. None of these people would have had names like Mark, Peter, Paul, Phillip, Jesus, James, etc. Consequently, it is undeniable that these names (and faces) are later creations imposed by Romans and their proxies who ruthlessly eliminated all competing stories and philosophies to establish the Christian Orthodoxy now referred to as the New Testament.

Did they forget that Rome invaded and conquered ancient Israel and Judea and ruthlessly imposed their will over those under the thumb of the empire? Romans installed their own priests and tortured and killed those who objected too openly. Isn't it odd that all of the purported authors of New Testament books have European names and made numerous geographical and factual errors? For example, the proven fact that there was no town named Nazareth during the Second-Temple period. Isn't it also odd that the New Testament is full of Greco-Roman names from Europe, not from Judea?

The translations of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hammadi Codexes, and other archeological finds, which were purposely hidden from the Romans and their cohorts, provide irrefutable proof that Christianity is a house of lies.

The fact that political leaders have always had close relationships with religious leaders while cooperating to manipulate followers to gain wealth and power is overwhelming evidence that the true purpose of religion is deception and delusion.

Question Answered by

Dear Buddy:

I do not know what to say. It has been a very long time since I have read a narrative that purports such dribble and ignorance, and even silliness.

That Catholic Church is based upon faith and reason. Your diatribe is utterly unreasonable not just from a factual basis in history, but from any semblance of intelligent logic.

Neither the Dead Sea Scrolls, nor any other archaeological find, has ever shown "overwhelming evidence that the true purpose of religion is deception and delusion". As is standard for bigots you merely make the claim without a single shred of evidence or reference to back it up. The burden of proof is on you. I will not waste my time.

I guess I will deal with one aspect of your silly diatribe, namely (forgive the pun) your accusations about the names of the Apostles and others as recorded in the Bible. Your thesis on this is a good example of intellectual cowardice and ignorance.

First, when we read the Bible in English, names are translated into English. The name "Jesus" comes from an ancient Hebrew name, "Yeshua". When the Septuagint was written (a Greek translation of the Old Testament), the name was transliterated to the Koine Greek, "Içsous". From there the name was translated into the Latin, IESVS. At the time "I" was used as a "J", and "V" as a "U". The Latin, in modern alphabet is, "Jesus". The name "Jesus" is the same name as Yeshua (or Joshua). 

As for the Biblical names. All these names are English transliterations of the Greek, which was the language the New Testament was written, thus we must look to their original language versions:

Matthew is a Hebrew name that comes from the Hebrew name Matityahu.

St. Mark actual name was John, a Hebrew name. Mark (Marcus) was his Roman name. It was common to Jews to have a second name that was Roman.

St. Luke was not Jewish, but Greek, a native of Antioch. Thus, he was European.

John is the Hebrew Yôḥanan, which means "God is gracious".

St. Paul's actual name was Saul, a very Hebrew name. He was a Roman citizen. Paul is his Roman name.

St. Peter's actual name was Simon, another very Hebrew name. When Jesus changed his name, it was to the Aramaic Kepha. Since the New Testament was written in Greek, Kepha was transliterated into Petros, ("Peter" in English).

James is derived from the same Hebrew name as Jacob.

Philip comes from the Hebrew "Pinchas".

So, your argument fails before it begins, and your ignorance shouts from the page.

I suggest that you exercise a little intellectual honesty and put your bigotry aside. If you do not wish to believe in God or His Church, that is fine. An honest person would disagree with Christianity without all the diatribe of false information. There is plenty of accurate information you can disagree with, why go to the cowardly tactic of lies and distortions?

We will pray that you at least become intellectual honest, and without all the bigoted nonsense.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary




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