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Your questionable orthodoxy John Friday, April 23, 2010


Brother, would you kindly explain the claims made against you?

I have been told that the Vatican considers you dangerous and that you are totally self-promoted. Please advise and thank you.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear John:

My orthodoxy is not in question. Anyone who is saying that I am unorthodox is a liar and committing the grave sin of calumny and/or rash judgment. I dare anyone to prove that I am unorthodox, disloyal, or lack fidelity to the Church, Pope, and Magisterium. In fact, I will give $500 to any one who can confirm and prove with documentary evidence analyzed by a competent orthodox authority (and not the opinion of some hater-monger or accuser) that I am unorthodox or persist in any erroneous views from the Church. In the last 13 years since our ministry has been on the Internet I can recall two times I was wrong about something. When it was pointed out to me I immediately corrected myself and any writings that were involved. I have no motivation to assert any views that contrary to the Church. In fact, I take an Oath of Loyalty, which if a violate is a mortal sin to me. Anyone who wishes to assert that I am not 100% orthodox are just hate-mongers and slanderers. By the way, Jesus said, (Matt 15:19) "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, slander."

When one is 100% loyal to the Church and speaks boldly about Church teaching, they get attacked -- usually by fellow Catholics sadly enough.

As for that article in the Philippines by Zosimo T. Literatus, it contains many outright lies. In fact, one of the people who commented on his article said that what Literatus said did not match what actually happened on our Spiritual Warfare Discussion Group.

The reason Literatus wrote that article was good old fashion revenge. I kicked him off our Discussion group because he was abusive to our members, as I would do for anyone who was abusive. Soon afterwards his article showed up on the Internet.

Also, soon after this incident, a blog called Faith Cop appeared on the Internet. We do not know for sure, but we think Literatus was one of the people who participated in putting that blog together. The blog was mostly to spew libels about me.

In fact, the blog was so libelous, and well as having copyright violations, that Wordpress, where the blog was hosted, removed the blog from the Internet.

All throughout 2009 I was brutally attacked by several people. All but one of those persons attacked me out of revenge -- because I kicked them off our discussion boards for abusive behavior, or made criticism of unCatholic or unChristian behavior, or similar things.

The one who did not libel me out of revenge was Jeff Mirus from (which, by the way, does not have his bishop's recognition or approbation, although he likes to accuse others who do not have their bishop's recognition). In his case, the problem is that he acts like a Pharisee. Because I do not agree with his mere opinion of things (which often are novel to him) he says I lack fidelity to the Church. Last time I checked his opinion is not the standard by which people or organizations must follow to be loyal to the Church. We plan to file a formal complaint with his bishop on that one.

If you wish to read the whole saga, we constructed a blog called the Detractor Malefactor, to chronicle the hate mail and libels and to respond to them with the facts and truth. We have not yet written up the Jeff Mirus incident yet, but the others are there.

Go to the Detractor Malefactor Chronicle. Until such time as we complete the write-up on Mirus, Literatus is the first entry you will see, followed by the Faith Cop write-up.

Pray for these people.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

P.S. Who told you that the Vatican considers us "dangerous"? The burden of proof is on them to prove that, otherwise they are committing the grave sin of slander (calumny), and I might add, if I wished, could sue them in court and win, as I could all these other detractors when they spew slanders and libels.

The devil works overtime.



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