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Spiritual Envy Anon Monday, January 26, 2009



I have been struggling with spiritual envy lately, especially with my younger brother. I always compare my self to him. I have these desires of not wanting my brother to grow spiritually or get closer to God. I have these thoughts to tell me to give this book or this article to my brother, but I hesitate because I'm scared that my brother would get more spiritual than me. I'm not sure what is causing these feelings. Is it a controlling spirit or OCD. I do suffer from OCD.

Also, I'm struggling with forgiveness and I'm in the process of healing. Priest tell me it's because of my pride that this is happening to me, but I pray to God and ask for humility and help me with my struggle every day. I don't want these feelings. I want to encourage my brother, but it's very hard for me.

do I need deliverance from this spirit and if so, how can I get deliverance. sometimes I think that this is happening because I don't give glory to God in everything and I make myself an idol. Please I need help, I'm tired of this sin and I can't bear it any more, it's taking control of my life. I'm I in mortal sin? What do I need to do when the thought of encouraging or giving something spiritual to my brother come and I don't have the grace to do it, can I ignore these good thoughts until God give me the grace to be open to my brother eventually, I do desire that but I don't have the will to do it. Is the devil take advantage of my OCD.

Thank you and God bless you

Question Answered by

Dear Anon:

The OCD, I think, may keep you in a compulsive mode with these thoughts and feelings, but I suspect that there is an underlying pride issue apart from the OCD.

There are several things you need to do.

1) see a doctor, or continue treatment, concerning the OCD.

2) Reject these thoughts that are not of God. The Bible tells us to "take captive every thought in obedience to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5). What I suggest to my clients is to do the follow if they are by themselves and no one is around:

Extend your hand out in front of you in a gesture of STOP. Say the word STOP out loud. And then offer a prayer, "Lord, I reject this thought that is not of You. I accept only thoughts that are pleasing to You. Amen."

If you have 40 improper thoughts a day then you need to do this 40 times a day -- each time you have a thought not pleasing to God.

If you are not in a private place and other people are around, then do not do the gesture or say anythings out-loud, but say the prayer silently.

3) Pray daily the Litany of Humility.

4) Take a look at our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog. There are prayers in there that may be useful to you. For example, there is a Rebuking Spirits prayer. If you think there is any demonic influence in these thoughts and feelings then say a rebuking prayer that rebukes the spirit of envy, the spirit of jealously, the spirit of pride, etc.

5) Go to our HELP page on the St. Padre Pio Center for Deliverance Counseling site and follow the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance

6) Live a good Catholic life. That is, celebrate Mass each Sunday (more often if you can), seek the Sacrament of Confession often, receive the Eucharist often, involve yourself in daily prayers and devotions, and perform good works. Also, spend at lest one hour per week in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. If you parish does not have exposition, then sit in front of the Tabernacle. Tell God your problems but be sure to sit quietly for a while and just contemplate the Bless Sacrament. This can do wonders.

7) If, after a time, things do not improve, then you may need formal deliverance counseling. There is a HELP REQUEST FORM at the bottom of the Help page if needed.

We will be praying for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary




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