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Abraham and Abimelech anthony Friday, November 7, 2008


Dear bro Ignatius,
In Genesis 20 i read about how Abraham said to Abimelech that Sarah was his sister instead of wife.can this be regarded as sin? whenever i stand to correct some people about their bad deeds some of them do reply by saying no one is perfect and that even the father of faith sinned by calling sarah his sister.What explanation do you have concerning this passage.Is it also correct to say no one can handle the truth as one of my friends do say.

Many thanks and God bless.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Anthony:

The issue you are facing has nothing to do with Abraham, it has to do with people trying to find excuses for their sin.

Everyone sins, even Abraham. So what? The fact that we are sinners does not excuse our sin. Sin is a crime against God and our neighbor. We need to repent of that sin and be restored to God's friendship.

While we are all sinners, our goal is to not sin. When we do, we need to recognize the sin, repent of it, and ask God's forgiveness.

If someone suggests that you are a hypocrite for pointing out their sin because you sin too, tell them, "Yes, I sin, the Apostles sinned, Abraham and Moses sinned, King David sinned, and they paid for their sins, as do I, as do you. When I sin I admit the sin, repent of it and ask God's forgiveness and try not to do it again so I can be restored to His friendship. If you think you can sin and not be held accountable for it, you will be in for a shock."

As for Abraham saying Sarah was his sister incident, Abraham did not sin. Sarah was actually was his sister, a half-sister, the daughter of his father, but not of his mother. This is explained in verse 12.

In Abraham saying that Sarah was his sister, and with God's intercession, he was able to protect his own life and that of Sarah's. Had Abraham said Sarah was his wife he would have been killed and Sarah taken anyway. By saying that Sarah was his sister, which she actually was technically, Abraham avoided being killed (see Gen. 12:10-20), and in faith trusted God to protect Sarah and to be reunited with her. God did that and Abraham and Sarah were re-united.

As mentioned in the Navarre Bible Commentary, "the account as a whole shows how God protects Abraham's marriage when his wife was in danger of being taken from him. Once again divine intervention makes it possible for Abraham and Sarah to have a child."

These people need to read the Bible instead of taking passages out of context to justify their own sin.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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